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IT WAS ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL DAY in the mountains, and the (e/c) eyed girl was on her way to give the twins another short visit.

She wore a white and (f/c) kimono that was made with the finest materials bought from the city, its color complimenting her eyes which seemed to shine more than usual.

A certain boy that wore a dark sleeveless yukata caught her attention from afar, and she made her way to him.

"Are you Yuichiro?" She questioned, alerting him of her presence. It wasn't easy to identify which one of the twins she was talking to, so she asked her mother for help on how to differentiate them before coming.

"Why are you here again?" He ignored the previous question, carefully putting down the axe in his hands and standing up to face her.

"I can go anywhere I want as long as I have permission from my parents." She quickly replied.

"That doesn't mean-" Yuichiro was cut off by the sound of his brother's voice, turning to the side to see him standing there happily like a child who was just given candy.

"You're actually back!" Muichiro quickly put down his axe to avoid scaring the girl off- who really wasn't bothered, waving in her direction.

She waved back and looked at him for a moment, turning back to the boy who she was currently conversing with.

"Do you like crows, Yuichiro?"



The three children sat on a makeshift wooden seat, and (Y/n) was sure she could feel a splinter in her skin.

Deciding to stay quiet about it, she looked up to instantly get blinded by the sun. She put a hand over her eyes, taking little peeks from the gaps in her fingers.

"The sun is really bright today." She commented.

"Keep trying to stare at it and you'll go blind." Yuichiro retorted.

In between the two was Muichiro, who was nervously trying to pet the crow (Y/n) had brought with her.

He was sort of the border, the one to make sure that nothing bad happens between them and no fight starts.

"Don't be scared, Kumo is nice." She averted her eyes and looked at her pet, an idea popping up in her head.

"Here, you should feed it." She grabbed a handful of seeds from a small bag she had, throwing it directly at the two who were beside her.

Yes. Directly.

"Huh? Wait!-" The Tokito brothers screamed in fear, seeing all the seeds that were scattered everywhere on their clothes.

As if the crow had just woken up from a deep sleep, it suddenly cawed and started going on a frenzy with full energy, eating anything edible that it could see...


"You're so dead!" Yuichiro angrily pointed at the girl who was trying to hold in a laugh.

She didn't think it would go like this.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking clearly." She apologized while avoiding their stares, a habit she would do whenever she lied.

The twins were covered in red spots all over, which were probably going to disappear after an hour or two.

"Are you leaving already?" Muichiro asked in slight disappointment.

"It's really dangerous at night time, so I might get in trouble if I stay a little longer. Don't worry, I'll make sure to come again." She replied.

"Seriously? You're coming again?" Yuichiro asked while crossing his arms.

"Of course, it's really fun here!" She raised her hands, giving the two brothers a quick pat on the head. The sudden action made her crow fly away from her arm, making an annoyed sound.

Before the two could process what she had just done, (Y/n) had already walked away.

Oh, Muichiro was sure he was going to explode.


▶ The twins and (Y/n) barely had any friends because of their secluded home, so Muichiro would get really excited whenever he saw her come to visit them

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▶ The twins and (Y/n) barely had any friends because of their secluded home, so Muichiro would get really excited whenever he saw her come to visit them.
▶ (Y/n) is a bit more expressive than her siblings.
▶ Kumo means cloud.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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