The Warner Couples' First Date Anniversaries

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*At the Warner Siblings Party Venue on June 30, 2023*

Yakko: It's been 15 years since Laffy proposed to me.

Wakko: That's amazing, Yakko.

Dot: I agree, Wakko.

Yakko: It's been a tradition that we do a pool party here, and it's like our own wave pool, too.

Wakko: Just like the Summer Solstice.

Dot: We need to serve the food in about an hour.

Yakko: It looks like everyone is swimming in the pool.

Wakko: We're in our swimsuits, anyway, so let's go.

*At the pool with the kids*

Yakko Jr: Let's take turns diving. Here we gooooooo.....

Annabelle: Valerie and I are jumping in the pool.

Valerie: On the count of 3, jump in the pool.

Annabelle, Valerie, Wakko Jr, & Lance: 1, 2, 3, Jump!

Emma: Let's play in the sprinklers.

Isabel: Here we go!!!!!

Clyde: I'm gonna get you.

Niall: I got you now!

Brianna: Me too!

Rainbow: Here we go!

*Some royalty-free summer vacation music plays in the background*


Yakko: Here is our honeymoon dinner we had on our first date.

Laffy: There are several different foods, too. We first had pasta pesto with Rigatoni on our first date.

Angelina: There are other romantic pastas that we had on our first date too.

William: We all have these foods each year on our engagement anniversaries.

Laffy: Even though Yakko proposed to me 15 years ago, our wedding date was postponed for the venue due to other events.

Yakko: We didn't let that stop us from celebrating the first anniversary of our date.

Wakko: It was also the anniversary that Aylee and I had on our first date, and we celebrated it with Spaghetti and Meatballs.

Dot: Felix and I had ravioli on our first date.

Felix: This is so romantic, babe.

*All the couples kiss*

Faith: *Starts crying*

Laffy: It's okay, Faith. We love you.

Roland: *Does gibberish*

Clyde: This reminds me of Mario and Peach from Super Mario Odyssey.

Annabelle: No wonder why our parents are a close couple.

Valerie: We were born and raised in such a loving family.

Wakko Jr: No matter how zany we are, we love our family with all our heart.

Lance: I agree, big bro. No wonder why this feels so romantic.

Rainbow: This has been going on way before we were even born.

Yakko Jr: Our grandparents thought about this and our parents have been celebrating this since they were our age.

The Warner Couples' First Date AnniversariesWhere stories live. Discover now