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Story - viricciardo

Story - viricciardo

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"new besties"

"triple teaspill☕"

Awww look at them
Ryan and Charles
The new dream couple

Aren't you jealous, Vi?

I am...
They cuddle without me
They play without me
They don't care about me anymore...
I'm feeling left out

Aww, poor you
But I can understand you
It's hard if your dog gets the whole attention of your bf

They are in a rl now
I'm not needed anymore

Ryan, you sneaky little cheater

[ charlesleclerc sent you a message ]

Amor, where are you?

Now you need me?
Whats with Ryan?

He's still here
He misses you too

I don't believe that


Don't babe me
Be happy with your new love

We aren't complete without you

Okay I'm coming back
You want some snacks?

Yes please, and some treats for
our little boy

Your little boy
He doesn't care for me when you're there

He does

U know that why?

He told me

Oh, you can speak dogish?

Hidden talent, yk


You're as crazy as ur brother

U played along

Because I didn't want you to feel
weird yourself

Now you say I'm weird?
You still want your snacks?

I'm sorry
Please come back now
I miss you

You have to deal with a ricciardo now
Your choice

And I'm perfectly fine with that :)


Source: https://pin.it/6LJZhze

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