Chapter 5

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Her name was 'Renessa' as hot as it sounds, yes she was my everything. I kissed her but never consumed her and that made the difference.

Her silence was peace to me because what she made me feel, nobody else ever made me feel, like her blood was sacred to me, like it was not meant to be criminalised by me as we call in this human world.
But I was too timid to drop her, as I was searching for my own routes, I was playing with my silence but the moment came, when I was all over her.
I couldn't escape her aura or that fictional magic you feel at the same time when your heart says, no it's too much to bear. When you can't believe that this was never me or this loved being cannot be me and so I chose to not play around anymore and let her die because of my presence. I made her fall in love with me and then just couldn't leave her and so, I killed her.

Scary, it sounds right?
Well the truth is that I just couldn't bear to be with her anymore because she was not the one I was searching for.

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