Where am I ??

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"Goodbye Chris" one of the gym members shouted

I start to put back the stuff i borrowed and get my school bag

Chris:" yeah cya to" i start to walking home

I take the path I ussually take to go home from school or the gym

I look both sides the road then precede forward. I then immediatly hear a screeching sound

I turn to my left to see a huge truck about to hit me

Time stops i think about my entire life how much i havent spend yet, the things i havent done

The last thought i had was 'damm please send to some anime i know'

I close my eyes sheild my arms and ready for the inevitable.






'What?' I open my eyes to not see me in heavens gates but a car that looks like it came from the 19th century

"Hey kid get outta the road!!"

He honks again

Be honest i was absolutly confused,
I had so many questions one mostly ringing through my head was 'WHERE THE HELL AM I !?'

The guy honks again

"Kid are ya fukin blind, get outta the road" he honked louder than before

I get out of the road. 'Okay lets asses the surroundings'

I look around my surroundings
'The architecture, the cars, the way people are dressed, and the accent.'

I have deduced to a schocking conclusion

"I AM IN THE 1930s !!!"
Screaming out loud

Everyone around looks at me

I stare back "Nothing to see here folks"

Everyone stares once more then goes back to their bussiness

Inside i am panicing

'Ok ok ok first lets find a safe spot first' i walk around the block looking for a place to hide for the moment

People around whisper on my looks

While everyone was wearing clothes fit for their era
I on the other hand wore a black shirt with a nice jacket, i wore some nice jeans and wearing black airforce 1s while carrying my backpack from the future

So safe to say i was out of place

After making some turns i found an alley thats safe to hide for now

I put my backpack down and see what i hope is still inside

I look inside and find my phone mt school books and my weapons??

I was bewilderd to my personal stuff was in this school bag

I grab my phone i turn on to see something i did not expect

My phone has INFINITE BATTERY??!!

"What how is that possible" literally the icon where the percent was is now and infinity symbol. Tho it dosent have any internet

"Damm no internet, what a shame"

Well at least i got my wallet which has

stunned by the amount of money i have

I'M STUCK IN THE 1930sWhere stories live. Discover now