The Army of Falmuth (P/2)

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Kingdom of Falmuth
Falmuth Castle
Meeting Council
Narrators POV

The meeting room of the Kingdom of Falmuth, where many nobles and others gathered around.

These meetings rarely happened in the country mainly because of the fact that they only consisted of money talking and if someone threatened their trade.

The Kingdom of Falmuth didn't work for it's supplies, there were no farms nor any sort of other infrastructure available aside from house builders.

The country relied on trading goods they bought from adventurers and then selling them fro higher profits. It used it's land positioning to act as sort of a trading hub and route between other Western Countries. It took full advantage of it's positions and greedily consumed money, earning large proportions every year that put the riches of other countries to shame. Even the superpower, Dwargon, couldn't compare to the money Falmuth earned every day.

Ofcourse, that doesn't mean everything was all happy and nice...

The roads were filled with beggars, the houses were made of poor quality as those who laid in the middle merely took everything for themselves.

It was a country where the rich stayed rich, and the poor stayed poor. The rich made full use and took full advantage of those in the lower class, viewing them as no more then pawns to be used for their games.

That aside, this country could just sit here and do nothing forever and they would still exist for centuries.


These Greedy Bastards still want to hoarse more money, it is in the nature of human beings to do so. They fall into the vices of Greed as easily as any other vice, and once they fall they cannot get back up unless they put in their utmost effort.

On a throne, a man sat whilst his hands were on his cheeks.

Infront of him, many monsters and nobles were gathered and ready to discuss today's topic.

The dissapearance of the Storm Dragon.

???: What do you suggest, King Gulliver.

A man who seems to be in his old age asks, wearing a mages robe with a staff attached to his back. He looks as if he could fall with the slightest touch, but one knows not to mess with him if they know his identity.

The Champion of Falmuth, Razen.

To his side, the man who sits on a throne is the one he serves. He takes a bow whilst standing up, asking him.

Gulliver: ... That Evil Dragon is gone, isn't it? Why don't we take over that forest then, who's stopping us?

The Jura Forest is a land filled with riches and many more resources.

However, it hasn't been claimed yet because of the Storm Dragon's presence throughout the entire forest. Activities were forbidden mainly because he was still around, and nobody was allowed to do anything lest the world befalls to the Dragons wrath.

At this statement, the nobles share their opinions and begin to voice put their choices...

Neither steps back on the opinion of the king.

Nothing has stopped them from hoarding all the riches they wanted to, so what harm is there in doing so now?

The entire meeting room is filled with laughter as they immediately show no objection to such an idea, the idea to conquer the entire Jura Forest.

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