Malory Towers Break Barriers: Tori's Trip to Canada

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It's the last day of the second form. Tori wasn't going to join her friends on the train like the end of the first form. Her dad was picking her up again. He was taking her on a trip to Canada. He had a trunk packed for Tori. She was allowed her comforts of course. She had her extra braces as well. He had someone come to bring her school trunk. He ensured her that her wheelchair from home was coming with her. They made their way to the harbour.

When they arrived at the harbour, a man come to the car. He had Tori's wheelchair with him. Dr. Moore opened the door and got out of the car. He thanked the man. Dr. Moore removed their trunks from the trunk of his car. The man had a dolly for them. He told Dr. Moore he would put them in their cabin on the ship. He thanked the man. The man left with their trunks.

Next Dr. Moore went to the right passenger door with her wheelchair. He opened the door. He helped her out of the car and into her wheelchair. He made sure she had her comforts. She also had a bag of doll clothes with her other comforts.

Once Tori was set, he made sure they didn't forget anything. This trip was going to be a month away from home. He was relieved everything was fine. He then gave another man the key to the car. The other man told him that the car would be secure when he returned. He thanked the man. He then took Tori towards the ship for boarding.

Once they boarded the ship, the captain told Tori that she was an amazing and brave to be on the ship. He asked her why she was heading to Canada. Tori was hesitant to answer. She then told him that she was getting a medical evaluation and possible treatment that wasn't available in England. Dr. Moore then added that he was speaking with a neurosurgeon in Toronto about a medical device he had invented that could help children in Canada. The captain told them that they would set sail soon. They thanked him. He left.

It was time to depart. Tori was nervous. She didn't like noise. She was worried about how the movement of the ship would affect her. Dr. Moore sensed this. He told her he would take her to their cabin. She thanked him. She told him that she would feel safer there.

Once in their cabin, he helped her to her bed. She lay on her bed. He passed her all her comforts. She placed her aviator bear and doll which wore her school outfit still. She thought to change her clothes to how she felt. She felt that she needed her doll to wear her surgical garment for some reason. She kept that to herself. Dr. Moore told her that he was going to go to the deck for departure. He told her that he would be back soon. He left her in the cabin alone.

After the ship set sail, Dr. Moore return to the cabin. He had to get Tori. He didn't want to keep her isolated from everyone else. He had her wheelchair ready. He felt she would be safer in her wheelchair. There were so many people on the ship plus the ship moved unexpectedly.

Once he had her wheelchair at the bed, he noticed Tori's doll had her surgical garment on instead of the school outfit she had on before. He wanted to know why. He was concerned that she was having a medical issue on the ship.

It was time for Tori to tell her dad why her doll wore her surgical garment. She told him that her head hurt and was causing her anxiety to spike. She told him that the surgical garment along with having her doctor bear helped ease the anxiety a bit. He understood her condition caused her anxiety.

Now Dr. Moore asked if she felt comfortable going on the deck with her doll with her. He told her that other families with children were there. He also assured her that she wasn't the only disabled person on the ship. He explained that other families with disabled children were going to the same hospital as they were to get treatment that the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London can't provide. She understood. She told her dad that she remembered going there for some polio treatment. Tori told him she was okay with having her doll of all to see. She told him that if anyone stared of made any rude remarks that she would tell them that it was a comfort item to help ease her anxiety which was the absolute truth.

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