chapter 10: Healing amd Trust

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Mrs. Adebanjo: (sighs) Funmi, I understand that you're still upset about what happened with your uncle Mr. Ade. But getting worked up won't solve anything. We need to find a way to move forward and heal from this.

Funmi: (frustrated) Mom, how can I just forget what he did? He tried to sabotage Dad's business partnership. It's just unforgivable!

Mrs. Adebanjo: I'm not asking you to forget, sweetheart. What your uncle did was wrong, and we will hold him accountable for his actions. But holding onto this anger will only eat you up inside. We need to focus on our own happiness and not let the negativity consume us.

Funmi: (crosses her arms) I know, Mom, but it's just so hard. How can I trust anyone after what happened with my ex-boyfriend?

Mrs. Adebanjo: (sits down next to Funmi) Oh, sweetheart, I can understand why you're feeling that way. Betrayal from someone you loved and trusted is incredibly painful. But you can't let that experience define your view of all men. Each person is different, and not everyone is capable of hurting you like that.

Funmi: (teary-eyed) I know, Mom, but it just hurts so much. I thought we had something special, and then he cheated on me with my best friend. It shattered my trust in him and in relationships in general.

Mrs. Adebanjo: I can't even imagine how much that must have hurt, my dear. (pauses, thinking) But remember, not every man is like your ex-boyfriend. It's important not to generalize and let that negative experience cloud your judgment.

Funmi: (sniffles) I want to believe that, Mom. I really do. But right now, I need some time to heal and focus on myself before I can even think about settling down.

Mrs. Adebanjo: That's completely understandable, Funmi. Healing takes time, and it's important to prioritize yourself and your well-being. When the time is right, and you're ready, you'll find someone who truly deserves your trust. But for now, focus on rebuilding your confidence and finding happiness within yourself.

Funmi: (nods) Thank you, Mom. I'm just grateful to have you by my side through all of this.

Mrs. Adebanjo: (smiles) I'll always be here for you, my love. Remember, healing is a journey, and I'll support you every step of the way.

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