𝐥𝐢𝐢𝐢. ᴏʟᴅ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ

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❨.。.:*✧ 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝❩


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ALEC LET OUT A GROWL AS HE PULLED AWAY FROM THE POOR MAN HE HAD BEEN FEEDING FROM. He had hoped that a good hunt would calm his racing nerves, but it didn’t help at all. Rebekah had been the one to comment on his annoyed attitude that afternoon, and he had all but fled the house with no explanation. 

He would have to explain himself for sure when he got home. 

Home. God, it sounded so weird. This was his home now. The green forests and wide open mountain ranges instead of the cold stone and dark halls of the castle. This wasn’t what he thought would happen when he chose Rebekah and somehow he couldn’t regret it.

But that didn’t help his mood. He had been on edge since he received that note, and he knew he would see the sender soon.

Maybe that was why he fled. So he could see them in peace without the questioning of the Cullens - minus Jacob, Renesmee, Bella, and Edward, who were all still in Alaska. 

His bright red eyes swept to the entrance of the alley. It was dark, not even a star shone in the sky as the clouds consumed the night. But with his enhanced sight, he could make out a figure standing in the middle of the path. It wasn’t a human, it had no heartbeat - and Alec would recognize that scent anywhere.

Cedar oil and leather. A scent that reminded him of home. 

“I thought you would be with the Cullens.” The voice was sharp, accusing and Alec bristled at the tone and dropped - more like threw - the dead body to the ground. “Have you gone mad, Alec? The masters are out for you and Santiago’s heads!” 

“Do you not think I know that Demetri!?” Alec snapped as the tracker stalked towards him. 

Demetri Volturi, his mentor and greatest friend cast his disappointed glare onto Alec’s form and turned away. “Dispose of your food and then we will talk in a more secure spot.”

Alec grumbled as the tracker disappeared from his view and turned his attention back to his meal. With quick precision and a quick toss of a lit match, the male Witch Twin watched in sick satisfaction as the body burned in the dirty dumpster.

But his eyes flickered up to the nearby rooftop, where Demetri was waiting for him.

“An immortal child, Alec.” Was the first words out of the tracker’s mouth as Alec arrived on the top of the building. The moon had just peaked out of the cover of the clouds, casting light down onto the two vampires. “The Cullens have created an immortal child and instead of coming to us, you chose to hide it.”

“Renesmee is not an immortal child!” Alec was quick to defend his pseudo-niece. “And really Demetri, do you truly believe me so blind to not remember the laws?”

“You are cuntwhipped.” Demetri said with a hiss and the brunette growled, but the blonde wasn’t done talking. “You haven’t spoken to me in nearly three months! How am I to know where you stand with our coven? Or did you forget where your loyalty lies?”

“Gods above, you sound like Jane.” The younger vampire ran through his hair, and he finally let his rigid stance fall. “Demetri, please as a friend, as my mentor - listen to what I have to say.” Alec begged and the older vampire looked down for a moment before he nodded.

“Renesmee was born, not bitten.” When Demetri went to interrupt, Alec held up a hand. “I didn’t believe it at first. When Rebekah told me of Bella’s pregnancy, I nearly laughed at her - but then I saw her. Gods, Demetri - Bella nearly died. But then Renesmee was there.” 

Alec looked up at the sky as the memory of Bella’s scream and Renesmee’s cry filled his head. “I was the first to hold her after her parents. Her warmth was like fire on my hands and her heartbeat was strong, but slower than everything I had ever heard.”

“She…she is such a bright little girl. She loves to play and adores the piano. She grows every day, too fast and it worries all of us. And she treats me as if I am her uncle, and maybe in some ways I am.” Demetri stayed quiet as Alec talked and rubbed his chin in thought.

“Demetri, you always used to say that you knew when I was lying, so tell me - am I lying now?” And Demetri let out a shaky breath at Alec’s question.

“No.” It was a whisper, but Alec heard it. “But still Alec, this is a very delicate situation, the masters are out for blood - and Jane is out for Rebekah’s head. Felix was going to come with me, but it would have been suspicious if we both had left.”

At the blonde’s words, Alec’s brows furrowed. “The masters didn’t send you?”

“No, I came here on my own. I wanted to know for myself what idiotic engry had possessed you to hide such a thing, but I see now it was not a lie.” Demetri ran a hand through his hair. “So what is the plan, Alec?”

“What do you mean?”

“Are we staying here or going back?”


Demetri rolled his eyes and reached over to smack Alec in the back of his head. “Yes we, you bloody idiot. You're my brother, do you really think I am going to let yourself get killed? Didn’t I tell you before that I am behind you no matter what?”

Alec didn’t realize he had moved until his body collided with Demetri’s and the tracker let out a surprised gasp as the younger vampire wrapped him in a tight embrace. 

The blonde had never known Alec to be affectionate to anyone other that his sister or mate. But yet here he was, hugging him as tightly as he could and Demetri slowly returned it. 

Finally, Alec’s loud thoughts seemed to silence as he stood in the arms of his best friend. Finally that nerves calmed and the storm settled. 

Now he just had to face the wrath of Rebekah Cullen when he got home.

Now he just had to face the wrath of Rebekah Cullen when he got home

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[a/n ✍︎]

I'm not crying, you are!

Anyway, I know I promised new characters, but I need to bring in my boi Demi before that!

Oh, I can't wait to see how things change at the Cullen's house.

Thoughts? Ideas? Predictions?

Be sure to let me know!

Until the next update!


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