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Stealing glances had never been so fun.

Yoongi remembered having his back pressed against his seat while the scenery ran a little too fast from the other side of the window. He recalled it quite vividly, how he kept his hands in between his thighs and couldn't help to smile at the pretty eyes across the table. He thought nothing of it back then. Just a pair of starry eyes he didn't really mind staring at, just a look that was sometimes reciprocated and that made him feel a little something where he thought only his stomach was supposed to be.

It was fun, and kind of odd.

For Yoongi, every moment in his life had always felt like something that was hidden behind a layer of abstract emotions, a mirror that didn't quite allow him to see reality the way he assumed everyone else did. But that look on a stranger's face seemed real, almost too real for him to be entirely convinced that he was not dreaming.

His friend was talking, loudly. He tried to participate too, get involved in a conversation that included two faces he was familiar with and those two eyes that Yoongi didn't seem to mind too much, as long as they were on him. He immediately knew he wanted to be his friend, he wanted to know more about the thoughts that laid behind that look, about what it would be like to get lost in the stars it held. And he did.

He learnt his name was Jungkook and that he owned a soul as stray as Yoongi's. They talked so much that he started thinking that maybe he wasn't the only one to feel that oddly strong connection, that maybe it was not only him who wanted to continue stealing glances back in the train. They got along. They really did. And Yoongi was starting to feel good for the first time in a long time.

Yoongi remembered sharing stories way faster than what he was used to, because he wanted Jungkook to know him as badly as he wanted to get to know Jungkook. It was weird. Everything was surrounded by a kind of weird atmosphere from the very beginning, but Yoongi was okay with that. He was okay with the late night conversations and the drunk talk. He was okay with having Jungkook over as much as he possibly could because he had never had a friend like him, someone Yoongi was sure that he could spend hours listening to their voice and never get tired of it in the slightest. He was okay with getting up a little earlier just so he could meet up with him, spending every morning he could swallowed by strong coffee and empty talking. Yoongi was sure he had found a best friend in Jungkook, something he had never had the pleasure to have ever before. He was convinced he had never even known what a best friend was before him.

Maybe the way things worked for them was a little faster than anything Yoongi had ever experienced, but Jungkook made it feel normal in the strangest way, and all Yoongi had ever wanted was normal. He wrapped his fingers around that feeling of normalcy and swore to himself that he would never let go, because it was real and real was everything he needed.

There was the realness, but there was also the worry.

He knew Jungkook was sad, the kind of sad that creeps through the cracks of your brain and takes over everything you believe to be. Jungkook didn't have to say it, even if Yoongi caught glimpses of it hidden behind meaningless conversations every now and then. He didn't have to say it, Yoongi just knew. He also knew he wanted to fix Jungkook with every ounce of will that existed in his body, make it all okay just like Jungkook made everything okay for Yoongi. But maybe he was too busy allowing himself to be blinded by the stars in his eyes to notice the mistakes he didn't know he was making.

Jungkook was everything Yoongi had ever wanted to be, and he meant the world to him. It was one of those friendships you would never even dream to have any other way, simple in the most complicated way. Yoongi would wake up happier and the sun would shine a little bit brighter ever since the day his back had been pressed against an uncomfortable train seat and Jungkook's eyes had clouded his head from the very first look. Jungkook was all Yoongi ever wanted, he was the kind of friend he knew he would die for, and that it would kill him to lose. He was sure he would never lose him, though.

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