𝐥𝐯. ᴀ ɴᴇᴡ ᴘʀᴏʙʟᴇᴍ

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❨.。.:*✧ 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦❩


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REBEKAH AND MELODY BECAME ATTACHED AT THE HIP VERY QUICKLY, AND LEAH HAD EVEN APPROVED OF BLONDE WHO HAD BEEN ADOPTED INTO THEIR LITTLE CIRCLE. Alec also seemed to be feeling better now that Demetri was by his side. Santiago was a good companion, yes - but Demetri had always been close to the younger vampire and had always been there for him. 

Melody was a breath of fresh air, and Rebekah had quickly taken the blonde under her wing. She was new to this life and all the older vampire wanted to do was help her. It was nice to have a cousin that was closer to her age. Leah liked the blonde’s sharp tongue and spunky attitude, and she quickly grew a liking to her, much faster than she had done with Alec. 

The two golden eye girls had been out hunting when they caught the sound of two newcomers and they both shared a look before racing back to the main house. It seemed that the two new guests hadn’t been invited. 

They were met with a silent Demetri, who was glaring out into the distance, where most of the family had disappeared. Melody had ventured off to find Garrett, the rugged patriot vampire who was smitten with Kate, while Rebekah had taken a spot beside Demetri.

“There’s gonna be trouble.” Demetri murmured. “These two new vampires are nothing but trouble. Stay away from them and stay close to Alec.” The tracker lightly ordered the younger vampire, and Rebekah raised a brow before she caught sight of Alec storming back towards the house, his jaw clenched and a fire dancing in his eyes. Carlisle was trailing behind him, trying to speak with the brunette, but it seemed that Rebekah’s mate didn’t want to hear it.

“Whose here?” Rebekah asked the blonde beside her and Demetri let out a hiss as the causes of the tension came into view. 

“Romanians.” He growled as he raced down the stairs and Rebekah let out a breath as she chased after him. 

“-shouldn’t be here!” She caught onto Alec’s rant as she drew closer to Carlisle’s study and she shared a worried look with Esme, who was standing beside the door. “They are selfish and unpredictable! They care nothing about Renesmee and are more danger than the Volturi ever will be.”

“Alec, I understand your concern.” Carlisle, ever the calm one, put a hand up. “But they are here to help.”

“Do you not here yourself? Are you that trusting? They will tear us apart, me, Demetri, Santiago, and they won’t stop at us. Do you think that Leah will be safe around them? Or Rebekah?!” Alec shouted, his hands slamming onto Carlisle’s desk and the blonde didn’t flinch at the angry vampire’s glare.

“Alec. Leave Carlisle alone.” Rebekah stepped into the study and made her way to Alec’s side. She placed a calming hand on his shoulder and let her other reach down to take one of his clenched fists into her smaller limb. “We can’t just send them away.”

“No, we should kill them before they have a chance to kill us.” Alec shot back, eyes as dark as coal as his lips pulled into a snarl, but Rebekah didn’t bat an eye. 

“We have to focus on Renesmee. I promise we will stay away from them, Demetri can join us along with Santiago and Leah. We don’t have to interact with them at all.” 

Rebekah’s words seemed to calm Alec just a small bit, but she could still see how tense he was at the thought of the Romanians being here. She knew there was a reason that Alec hated them, and she figured that they were some of the many enemies that Alec had mentioned when they had first gotten together. 

Her fingers gently caressed as she tilted her head, her eyes relaying a silent message and it seemed that her mate understood. His eyes were still dark though, and his brow was still furrowed, but he did allow Rebekah to lead him out of the office. She did her best to keep them separated from the others, trying to keep them from bumping into the newcomers or anyone else. 

Getting out of the house was easy and it was a straight shot to their shared home from there. They arrived in less than a minute and Alec hastily made his way to the study where he spent most of his time brooding. 

“Alec, you need to talk to me. Running away every time something gets hard isn’t how you handle a relationship.” Rebekah tutted as she walked after him and Alec growled as he lit the fireplace.

Fire seemed to calm him, fire the thing that killed him in his past life, the thing that could truly kill their kind, was what could relax her mate when he was agitated. It was ironic in a way, and worrying. 

“Carlisle is a fool if he thinks that the Volturi will let us live.” Alec hissed as he rose and began to pace, and Rebekah took a seat - ever the calm one. “And those-those...Romanian Bastards! They have no business here!” 

“What’s going through your head, Alec? You know you can tell me.” Rebekah caught her mate's hand as he went to walk by and he stopped. “Tell me.”

“I fear for your safety. The Romanians are ambitious, they are unpredictable and hungry for vengeance. I don’t want to lose you. If I ever did, I would…I would burn this world to the ground, bring everyone to their knees.” His lips wobbled and his hands shook and Rebekah pulled him down and he fell to his knees before her. 

She wrapped her arms around him, letting him rest his head against her stomach as she ran her fingers through his fingers.

“We’ll make it through this, Alec.” She whispered. “I promise you.”

It was quiet for a minute and she looked down to see Alec staring up at her, eyes full of love and she gave him a small smile.

“What?” She asked with a giggle and his lips lifted into a barely-there grin.

Marry me.”

[a/n ✍︎]

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[a/n ✍︎]


We are nearly done with this book and I swear I will probably cry when I finish it.

Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will be out soon (hopefully). Also, Daylight will be updated this week! And I new story is in the works.

For now...

Thoughts? Ideas? Prediction?

Be sure to let me know!


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