More than she bargained for.

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Jennie awoke to the annoying call of a alarm clock on her phone Beep Beep Beep she slammed her phone half asleep trying to turn it off seeming to miss every time she tried to turn it off, eventually she gave up pulling herself and awake and turning the annoying alarm clock off. "Finally." She mumbled, heading to the bathroom to brush her teeth and she took a shower, stepping out of the tub dripping wet she covered herself in a towel as she heard the doorbell ring. She rushed downstairs to grab the package from the frontdoor, hoping nobody would see her with only a towel hiding her nakedness. She picked up the package and placed it on her bed while she got ready and changed. Jennie was wearing an oversized hoodie, nike shorts and plain white socks when she finally decided to open the mysterious package she recieved. Once she finally opened it she saw an mystery object with a button, pressing the button a hologram of an middle aged, balding man appear. It was her boss, "Greetings, Agent 018." The man said "We have a new task for you, this one a bit different than others." Jennie was a trained spy and fighter, hired to steal and investigate things however, what she heard next she had no clue how to respond. "We need you to go undercover as a college student and figure out what's going on at that school." She was shocked, college student? She dropped out of highschool when she was 15 to become a spy, she was never even good at school to start with. "We already enrolled you for the upcoming semester that starts tommorow, your uniform is in the package we gave you. This is unargueable. We will need weekily updates in person, see you then Agent 018." Her boss finished speaking, the hologram turning itself off. Jennie was too stunned to speak "Me? A college student. Oh shit."

The rest of the day went by fast, as jennie rushed to pack up and get everything ready for her first day of school in nearly 6 years. Finally today was the day she started college, and she was screwed.
Jennie woke up without a fight today, 10 minutes before her alarm actually went off. She hurried to take a shower, brush her teeth, get changed and do her hair. The uniform they gave her wasn't so bad. It had a black skirt with tights and a basic white school girl shirt with a blue tie and a black cardigan. She quickly ate breakfast, a poptart, and drove to school. Oh boy, this is not gonna be fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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