Axel11.55 inches long. 3.75 inches wide cut. curves slightly to the right. Tip is F7BFD3 pink, shaft is a creamy brown. Five distintic veins with the longest ranging from the base to the tip on the middle left side. excretion is macaroon cream and hes not trimmed, hair color 433B3B.
Benatar6.8 inches long, 2.50 inches wide cut. curves towards the belly button. Tip is EBB9D1. 2 very hidden veins on both equal sides. excretion is E3DCE0. trimmed nicely into a V shape.
Dee Jay7.0 inches long, 3.85 inches wide, curves slightly to the left. Tip is 69304F and excretion is E6D9D5. One hidden vein in the middle. Barely trimmed, hair color 1A1918.
Puff Puff5.55 inches long. 2.55 inches wide cut. curves slightly to the left. Tip is DBB0A4. Three distintic veins with the longest ranging from the middle to the tip on the middle right side. excretion is F5E7E4 and hes well trimmed, hair color 2E2725.
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YFM headcanons lol
Randomheyy, so umm.. so YFM headcanons none of the characters belongs to me but Valerie!!