(Ashlyn's pov)
We slowly walk back out and head to rue 21. We walk in and there is no sight of any Disney character yet. We all go in different places I head to the shorts and pants Sara goes to shirts and tank tops and Rebekah goes to accessories. I look around and a worker says "since you are looking around may I intrest you in these Disney themed pants? And if you love Disney we have a section of Disney right over there!" I quickly shake my head no. She nodded and helps another customer. I look over at the Disney section and I see a Donald duck, Goofy, Daisy duck, and pluto statue. They look creepy and I look away quick. I start looking for clothes again and I thought I saw something move. I look back up at the statues and Donald is holding up a sign that's says "Too late." I run over to an employee and ask "Umm I think your Disney statues have something wrong with them." She furrowed her eye brows at me and said " Ma'am we don't have Disney statues." "Yes you do they are right back...there.." I pause they aren't there anymore. "Oh um sorry.". "You're fine ma'am if you need anything please notify us." "Thanks." I walk quickly towards Sara and Rebekah. "We need to leave now." "Why?" Sara asks. " The lady pointed to me some Disney stuff and I saw statues and I saw a sign saying Too late and I went back to the lady and she said they didn't have statues." "Oh." Rebekah said raising an eyebrow. We walked out and just decided to leave the mall to avoid any other incounters. We head back quickly it seemed like. We turn on the radio and find our favorite station. It was funny because One direction ' s Best song ever and all of us busted out with their lyrics and had a great time. We eventually get home and forget about what happened at the mall. We all slump on our comfy couch and turn on the tv. We watch movies again for hours and we all fall asleep one by one.Rebekah and I wake up around 7am and find a note on the refrigerator reading " Sorry guys got a call from my aunt and had to visit her sorry I didn't wake you guys up." "That's weird." Rebekah says. "Yah, I'm gonna call her to ask what happened." I quickly dial her number and it immediately sends me to voice mail. "Huh, that's weird she didn't pick up." "Maybe she is busy?". Rebekah suggested. "Maybe."

The 5th sense
Mystery / ThrillerThis is going to be a follow up of my last book Cryptic Disney. Hope you all like it! I'll try not to make so many grammar errors this time sorry about that.