i did something bad...

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Everything was great with Colby so far, well far from all the drama that happened recently. Hartley tried to talk to me but my powers would get overpowered.

She told me that everything would be okay and I would get over it. Colby has been looking after me for the last few weeks. "Hey, are you okay y/n?" I nodded my head in response. "C'mon, let's go somewhere, I'll help you if you need me. Okay?" I thought about it for a second. "Okay, just give me a second." Colby nodded and went to the living room. As I got dressed, I got another vision. It was with Colby in it.

"Colby, it's okay. It's me y/n." He used this unknown power on me and blew me away (literally).
"Y/N, I'm a villain. I don't need your love. I only fell in love with you to look normal to not be seen or suspected. Get away from ME! NOW!" I fell hard for him, hard like jumping off a plane without a parachute landing. Amy walks in," Y/N please give Colby time to figure his time. I'll take care of it." I nodded.
(End of Vision)

I hear Colby saying my name," Y/N! Y/N! Are you ready?" "Yes!" I walked down the stairs to him and go out the front door. Then I see a Tour de France looking thing outside. "What. Is. This?" I asked. "It's our very own spin class. So that when the neighbors would transfer their energy to give to our energy bill. Including their credit card  money." Vic said. "Ah!       Y/N, are you doing okay? You know with your powers and everything?" He asked. I nodded. "Oh, Y/N! You're here!" Hartley, I see, standing there very happy. Oh wait, she's with Declan. "Hi Y/N! Where are you going?" He asked trying to solve something. "I'm good, oh, and none of your business." Hartley was trying not to laugh very hard. "Hey Colby cane we go?" "Yes, we can go, baby." I smiled a little. He never called me that before.
We walked for a little then we sat on a bench afterwards. We just looked at the sunset. Some girls were looking at Colby a whole lot. Colby noticed. He kissed my temple and I blushed. "Hey Colby, would you ever break up with me or treat me wrong?" He looked at me." "Y/N what are you talking about. You're the most beautiful, astounding, kindest girl l that I've ever known." (A little Titanic for u) I will never break up with you." He said. Well, he was leaning in, but he quickly second took back. "I think we should go to the house. Ok?" I nodded, okay.
*Time Skip*
"Why did he pull away from kissing me? Is there or was there something wrong?" Amy, does he like me or he's just.... just wants to take things slow? I'm confused tbh." I say, very confused. "Y/N, don't worry. He loves you. And you know what, he actually told Jake, my mom, dad, and I that he loves you, believe it or not. So don't worry." Amy says, trying to make me feel better.
*Time Skip*
I was with Colby in his room while we were watching a movie. I was debating if I should ask him or not. I guess it's better to ask.
"Hey Colbs?" I asked. He mumbles in response. "Remember how you were about to kiss me?" I asked. "Oh yeah! I didn't know what I was thinking. Tbh Y/N, I don't think it's right for a villain to date or kiss." My heart just broke. I didn't know how to feel. So I excused myself. I decided to go on a walk. Until .... I saw the girl, lily, I think is her name.
She was with a boy, who looks a little older than her. Wait, that's my ex. She stops me. "Y/N have you met my brother. I'm sure you have." I sighed. "Yes, he interrupted my date at the arcade." She was fake smiling, "So how's Colby? I'm sure he prob broke up with you because of your powers." "Actually he didn't yet." She was so happy. "Yay, that means he can date me next. Hopefully he'll like me better." My powers were trying to come through, they were really strong. So they powered through. "You're a bitch." And my powers through her and my ex back. (Play song) I did something bad. Many people were looking at me so I ran to the house. I barged in the house. Colby was there along with Amy. "I-I-I." I stammered. "Y/N calm down. It's alright." "No, no, no it's not. I did something bad, but why does it feel so good. It was my ex and his sister, Lily." I said. Colby looked at me blankly. He went upstairs. "Y/N, it's okay. They don't know that we're villains."
(Third POV)
Little did they know that Declan was listening.
"I know that. But if they know about my powers it's game over." Amy nods. "Don't worry, but go and talk to Colby." "Ok" I went upstairs.
I see Colby just doing something. Wait, he's packing my things. "What the hell are you doing?!" Colby looks up and says," You practically did a villain thing! Go back to your house. Y/N, I'm a villain. I don't need your love. I only loved you to look normal to be seen or not suspicious. Get out! Now Y/N!" I stood there. I realized it was my vision. "Fine, see you. Oh and hope you get caught." I slammed the door and left with my things. "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" Eva called. "What!" I say angrily. "Why are you leaving?" She asks me as Colby walks down. "Ask him." I say coldly. Amy walks out to the door. "Y/N it's okay. Just give Colby time to figure things out." "I don't care because I did nothing to hurt him. So... nice knowing you!" I walked to my house and greeted by Hartley and grandma. They immediately asked me about my powers and my time over there. I told them everything, in short term. Then I went up to my room.

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