Drunk In Love

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Y/n's View

"What part don't you get? It's not gonna happen. She has a man!" I say.

"That guy is anything but a man. He's a dick to her." Max says.

"What happened?" I ask.

Max grabs another slice of pizza and stares at me.

"Max!" I say as he takes a bite.

"Why do you care? It's not gonna happen." Max says.

"C'mon, man." I say.

"She tried to leave the party and he didn't want her to. He unplugged some wires on her car so she couldn't leave. I just plugged them back in and she thanked me before leaving." Max says.

"I don't even know why she's with that guy." He says.

"Y/n, are you mad?" He asks.

"No. Why would I be mad?" I ask.

"You just squished that slice of pizza." He says.

I put the slice of pizza down and use a napkin to get the sauce off my hand.

"I'll still eat it." He says grabbing it.

"Hailee is a great woman! What kind of dick would do that?!" I say.

"Yes! Stand up for your woman!" He says.

I roll my eyes and he laughs.

"Danny would. Guy's a trust fund baby who only cares about himself. Hailee sees it but she's still with him. As if she's trying to prove something." He says.

"Prove that he can be a good person, maybe." I say.

"I think she's gay and she's trying to prove to herself that she's not." He says.

"Why would she need to hide the fact that she's gay?" I ask.

"Y/n, have you ever been on the internet before? They'll call her a queer baiter and kick her ass to the curb. And everything is a marketing strategy these days." He says.

"It's not like "signs" of her "gayness" don't exist. Have you seen the YouTube compilations?" I say.

"Hold on. You watch compilations of her on YouTube? More specifically gay compilations?" He asks.

"If it pops up in the recommended, then I'll watch it." I say.

"That scared me even more. Who else are you watching gay compilations of?" He says.

I laugh and he stares at me.

"I'm so fucking serious." Max says.

Time Skip

I knock on the door and Hailee opens it.

"Hey, gorgeous." Hailee says.

I smile and she lets me in.

"Wow, your house is big." I say looking around.

"What'd you want?" I ask.

"You." Hailee says.

"Huh?" I ask.

"I want you." Hailee says.

Maybe Max was right. She's gay but she's trying to prove that she isn't.

I stare at Hailee and she looks around in different directions.

She can't focus on a single thing. She's drunk... at 12PM.

"Hailee-" I say.

"Shh." Hailee says.

"Don't say anything." She says.

"Drinking at 12 PM is insane." I say.

"I'm not drunk." She says.

She stumbles and I grab her.

"Okay, that's enough." I say.

"Wee!" She says as I pick her up.

I carry her upstairs and open a bedroom door. I try to put her down on the bed and she holds onto me tightly.

"Let go." I say.

She kisses me and I widen my eyes. I pry her off of me and she groans.

"Text me when you're sober." I say.

She whines and I leave.

Time Skip

"She told me she needed help with something and when I went to her house she was drunk. She tried to hookup with me." I say.

"Do you know for a fact that she was drunk or did you just fumble the bag again?" Max asks.

"She couldn't focus on one thing. Her eyes constantly moved around and she stumbled a bit." I say.

"So it's confirmed. She wants you." Max says.

"I literally just said she was drunk. At 12 PM, mind you." I say.

"People will admit things they'd never say while sober when they're drunk. The other day I got drunk and literally told you that I wanted to fuck you when we were freshmen. I would've never told you that sober." Max says.

"Well, you just did because I have never heard that shit before." I say.

"Really?" Max asks.

"Really." I say.

"Well, my point still stands!" Max says.

Time Skip

"Did I call you yesterday?" Hailee asks.

"Yes, and I went over to your house and was met with a very drunk Hailee." I say.

"Oh my god. What happened?" Hailee says.

"Nothing much, you just tried to make a move on me." I say.

"I'm so sorry." Hailee says.

"It's okay, it happens to the best of us." I say.

"However I did hear that what drunk people say is really what their sober self is afraid to say." I say.

"I'd know because my grandpa was an alcoholic." I say.

"Y/n, I'm not attracted to you. If that's what you're implying." Hailee says looking around.

"I never said that. I stated something that I learned and you used it accuse yourself." I say.

"No! Y/n, I am not gay or attracted to you at all. Although I may be questioning it." She says.

"Which part?" I ask.

"Both." She says.

"You just don't know when to shut your mouth, do you?" I ask as she widens her eyes.

"Should've plead the fifth." I say.

"Y/n-" Hailee says.

"You're a woman who's gay in America? Ugh, pick a struggle." I say.

"Oh, and Happy Pride Month." I say.

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