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(Red's POV)

'Should I tell her.." I thought as I could feel her gaze. "Uhh nothing its just you look like you had fun and I was also worried earlier about how you would get along with Yellow and Cyan." I lie. 'I better not tell her cause it could ruin our friendship.' I thought. "Oh well one there was no need to worry about how I would get along with Yellow and Cyan, and I did have fun. She says with a smile. 'Phew she actually believed me' I thought as breath of relief leaves my nonexistent lips. We soon arrived at the Play Place and went our separate ways. I walked into my office then took off my lab coat and tie. I then walked over to the bed and plopped down onto it falling asleep almost instantly. I woke up hours later to someone knocking on my office door. I groaned as I got out of bed and opened the door. There stood Y/N.

(Y/Ns POV)

I woke up the next morning and decided to go see how Red was doing. Sure you'd think I'd hate him and not want to be around him after he turned me into a Rainbow Friend but I couldn't do that to him after seeing him crying in his lab. I reached his office door and knocked on it. I heard a tired groan come from the other side of the door before the door opened to reveal Red. I noticed his lab coat wasn't on. He wore a red button up shirt on. I blushed because this was my first time not seeing him with his lab coat on. "Oh Y/N uh what are you doing up this early?" Red asks as he notices it's me. "Umm Red it's literally 1 in the afternoon." I say as I swear his face looked a bit redder than usual. "Oh it is I guess I didn't realize, my bad." He says with an awkward chuckle. I chuckled too at the fact he thought it was earlier than it really was.

(Meanwhile Outside of the Play Place/3rd POV)

A very upset man stood outside of the Play Place. "So this is where that sorry excuse for a girlfriend went." He says looking at his phone that he used to track a tracking device he hid in her bag. He let's out an evil chuckle as he enters the building. "You can't hide from me forever Y/N." He says as he walks around unaware of the eyes watching from the vents.

(Back with Red and Y/N/ Back to Y/Ns POV)

As I waited for Red to put his lab coat and tie back on I saw Purple poke his head out of a nearby vent. "Y/N!!" He said a bit worried. "What is it Purple?" I ask noticing the worried look on they're face. "There's a man looking for you and he doesn't seem like he's planning on doing anything good when he finds you." Purple says. I couldn't believe what Purple just said. "Jeff....." I say under my breath as tears begin to fall down my face. Suddenly Red's office door opened. "Y/N?!" He says noticing I was crying. "PURPLE WHAT DID YOU DO!!!?" Red shouts at Purple who immediately ducks into the vents. "He told me my a man who turns out to be my abusive alcoholic Ex Boyfriend is here." I manage to say in between tears. "What?!" Red says annoyed. "Don't worry I'll take care of him." Red says ducking back into his office. Suddenly the intercom comes on and Red's voice is heard from it. "Attention Rainbow Friends, there is an intruder in the building, and he must be taken care of." Red's annoyed voice says through the intercom.

(With Jerkfac... I mean Jeff/3rd POV again)

"What the I thought this place was abandoned!?" Jeff says after hearing Red's voice on the intercom. "And What the heck is a Rainbow Friend." He says confused.  "Oh maybe something like me." Says a mysterious voice. "What there who said that?!" Jeff shouts a bot scared. "I did!" Says the voice again as a pair of purple arms shoot out of a nearby vent at Jeff. "AHHHH!!!" Jeff screams as he jumps away from the vent barely dodging Purple. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU!!!" Jeff shouts as he looks down at the vent where Purple is. "One of your worst nightmares." Purple says kicking the vent cover off and jumping out of it. "I'd suggest you start running!" Purple says as he reveals his mouth full of razor sharp teeth. Jeff runs for his life eventually loosing Purple but he didn't have time to catch his breath as a certain *SQUEAK* makes him gulp as he turns to see Green feeling around for him. "I know I heard someone run over here." Green says. Jeff was about to run from Green before he realized Green was blind. "Ha you can't even see me!" He says dodging one of Greens arms, before kicking Green in the shin?. Green holds his leg in pain and falls backwards. Jeff stands there laughing at Green's pain until he felt a large shadow over him. He turns to see none other than a very ticked off Blue. All that could be heard next was Jeff's screams before Blue bit his head off. 

(Y/Ns POV again)

It didn't take long before I heard the agonizing screams of Jeff echoing through the halls before a huge crunch followed and the screams stopped. I shuddered at the thought of what that sound could be. Red exits his office and looks (up/down) at me with a look of joy in his eyes. "Your welcome by the way." He says doing his adorable eye smile causing me to blush. "Now how about we go see who got him." Red says with a bit of amusement in his voice. "I didn't think you meant killing when you said taking care of him." I said with a bit of guilt in my voice. Sure I hated Jeff and all but that didn't mean I wanted him dead. "He abused you and took all your money,  why do you feel remorse for him?" Red asks me hearing the guilt in my voice. "I just don't like the fact he had to die." I said rubbing my arm. "Listen its routine for us to kill intruders, why do you think the others tried killing you the day you got here." Red says putting his hand on my (arm/shoulder). "Now let's go see who took care of him ok." Red says as he makes his way to where the screams came from. I followed behind hoping I didn't have to see the dead body of my Ex. We soon arrived to find Blue covered in blood and munching on an arm. I nearly puked right there. "Hey guy's." He says waving with the hand (or stub) that wasn't holding the arm. "Hey Blue I see you were the one to take care of the intruder." Red says as he also looks a bit disgusted by the fact Blue was eating the arm. Guess Red dosen't eat the intruders like the others do. "Well he kicked Green and Green held his leg causing him to fall backwards." Blue says pointing to a hurt Green sitting a few feet away from Blue. "Oh he deserved to die for kicking Green!" I say with a low growl. Jeff took it too far hurting my blind friend. "So who was that guy anyway?" Blue asks finishing the arm. "My abusive Ex boyfriend." I say with a bit of sadness in my voice. "Oh." Blue says a bit embarrassed about eating my Ex Boyfriend in front of me. But he deserved to be eaten by Blue for abusing me and hurting Green.

|Thought You Saw The Last of the abusive Ex Boyfriend,  but nope I thought why not have him meet his fate to one of the Rainbow Friend's.  Also sorry if Jeff is a name you like or if you have someone you know named Jeff it was just a random name I came up with.|

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