Tables Turned.

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The issue is that sometimes, absurdity is reality.

This same issue is why he, the Hero Hunter, was walking through the gates of the Hero Association. Hear a problem? Of course, he had his hands cuffed and two guards pointing big-ass guns at his head; just a facade so that people don't feel 'unsafe'. (Though, seriously, when had he ever actually hurt anyone? He was about as harmful as a butterfly. A really fucking cool butterfly.) It would be pretty easy for him to slip out of the handcuffs, beat the shit out of the guards, and run away. But being seen as even more of a threat would be counter-productive.

Why? Because this time, he wasn't going to try and tear down the association. No, he was here to join it.

Bang, in his old age, decided that he was going to retire. It was all sorted out beforehand, and everyone agreed- Well, not everyone. Because if the old man retired, that meant that someone had to take his place in S-Class. Many others proposed to let Amai Mask take his place, but he disagreed, saying that his best pupil would take the spot.

And who was his best pupil? Take a wild guess. Thus, it was an entire organization versus one senior citizen. The senior citizen wins. Garou is now registering as a hero in the association.

Fuck his life.

"Keep moving!" Guard A poked the tip of his baton at Garou's side.

He shot back a glare. "Shut it."

They went into the tallest building of the complex, down a few hallways, up an elevator, and into Sitch's office.

Sitch himself was sitting on his fancy exec chair, elbows propped on his desk, chin propped on his intertwined fingers. His eyes shot up as the person he was expecting walked in. "I take it that you know why you're here?"


The man squinted. "Sure. Well, sit down." When Garou complied, Sitch pulled a thin stack of papers from a drawer, placing them on the coffee table before the ex-monster, soon-to-be hero. Hero registration forms. "Sign here," He pointed.

"I don't have a signature."

"Then write your name."

"Like, my legal name? Because I don't remember my legal name."

"Any name."

Garou scribbled out three barely-legible characters on the line.

"Date of birth?"

"Don't remember that either."

Sitch let out a pained sigh. "Doesn't matter, then. Just... Write your age."

Two more things are written down.

"Hero name? If you can't think of one, you can take Silverfang's, or wait for someone else to do it for you."

This dude was asking some hard questions. Thinking momentarily, Garou wrote something down.

Sitch flipped the paper around to read what he wrote. "...We can't use that."

"Seriously? Fine." He crudely crossed out what he originally had, writing next to it, 'N/A'.

"That's everything. You can go now. Your first assignment will be exactly a week from now. Show up, or disappoint your master and your new boss."


The week passed long, but when the time came, Garou did show up. In fact, he was early. Well, Sitch didn't give him a set time, so he could've been late, for all he knew, but being late at the asscrack of dawn wasn't likely.

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