The Docks of Jelling

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I was the age of seven the first time I ever met the prince. I was the daughter of a high ranking Jarl who was born just a few months after the second prince of the Danes. My father held a large sum of wealth along with a small personal army. Jarls aren't often allowed access to an armed force nowadays, seeing as we have a king its often seen as treasonous to hold a force that could possibly rival that of the kings. But that was one of the perks my father was given as the close friend of the our great king Sweyn. Not only that but one of the reasons for his ever continuing wealth was the fact he was good friends with the king of Denmark. And the reason why I was there.

My name is (Y/N) daughter of Ivar Ironside.

I step off the ship onto the docks. Bundled up in precious furs that kept me warm as it was early spring, snow still gracing the ground. I look around the town of Jelling, taking in the sight of passerby commoners as they glanced over at our convoy of ships.

"Come now (Y/N), take my hand." My nursemaid Hilja said reaching out her hand to me. I reach up and tentatively take it, her larger hands grasping around mine. Guards in full armor follow us as we made our over to where my fathers ship was currently awaiting further down the dock. He was a cold man, never had he cared for me in my seven years of life. Later in life I realized that what I saw In his eyes had been disinterest. He had considered me worthless because I hadn't grown a penis in the womb. I couldn't go to war and lead his men into battle, I couldn't take up the family name and continue his work as a Jarl once he passes. The most I was worth was to eventually marry someone of equal or higher status to us and support strong relationships between families. Bonus points if I reared a son and firmly cemented ties between families.

Once we reached my father I saw him talking to a few men on the docks, my mother Kirsi was plump with child at his side. "Ah darling was the ride an easy one." My mother says gently as she looks down at me, hands resting on her belly. "Yes it was." I answer back politely as I had been taught. My mother was also estranged to me. She would often talk to me sparingly but never would she dare to spend more than an hour at my side, she had already done her job by giving birth to me. Now it was the work of servants and slaves to raise me. Kirsi would much rather spend her time with the ladies of court. Which is why she left all of my care in the hands of Hilja.

Hilja was practically like a mother to me already. "She did very good on the trip. It also helped that we were blessed with a smooth sailing." Hilja says looking down at me and giving me a comforting smile. My mother nods "that's wonderful." She replies giving a smile before turning to her husband

As I stood on the docks, surrounded by my family and guards, I felt a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Despite the coldness of my father and the distance of my mother, I found solace in the presence of Hilja, she had been a source of warmth and care in my life. She was practically the only true family I had.

As my mother and father exchanged pleasantries, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disconnect from them, like a stranger observing a scene rather than a part of the family. But amidst these thoughts, I catch sight of movement from the corner of my eye, drawing attention away from the familial exchanges.

A small procession approaches, led by a figure adorned in fine clothing. Instantly I recognized him as king Sweyn. I remember tales of him that Hilja had told me during the quiet of the night. He didn't seem very kingly now that I saw him in person. He was just a fat old man, nothing of importance about him other than his entourage and the clothing on his back.

My father greeted him instantly "Hello my good king." Ivar said with a node of his head, my mother politely inclined her head toward the king as well. "Good to see you Ivar, It's been awhile since you've made it to jelling." Sweyn said, his eyes trailing from my father to where I stood besides Hilja. "And this is your daughter I presume?" he questioned, his tone was dismissive yet held an air of scrutinizing to it. "Yes, this is the one. I'm sure the young prince Harold will get along with her well." He answered, motioning toward me.

"The prince?" I wondered to myself, my young mind excited at the ideal of a potential new friend. It would be my first time coming to Jelling. My father and mother made the trip for a couple of months each year to attend court and make deals with other higher noble families and Jarls of Denmark. I was finally old enough to be allowed along with them on their yearly trip. And though I didn't know it yet. It wasn't normal for children of powerful families to bring their kids to court until much older than I was. Though it was already arranged, they wanted me to get along with the first son of king Sweyn, as I would one day possibly be married off and tie the two families together. And so, it was expected to have me come and get used to the ways of the court from a young age, and learn to become a potential queen.

"Of course they will. It's only expected of them." Sweyn said, looking at my father. "I'm sure she will get along with my youngest son as well as my daughter too. But for now you all must be tired from your travels. Come my servants will take care of your luggage, Let us head to the Castle."

**Authors note: Hey y'all its been awhile! I took a small break but I'm back with my new fanfic of canute x reader thats in the same timeline as the my first fanfic "I want to be kind". Can't wait to show you what I have in store for this story! I will be posting on a semi-regular schedule. I hope you at least like this little teaser chapter though.**

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