chapter 9 what have you done.

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Renee quickly dressed herself and raced to the front door. She saw her father and mother quickly feeling on their boots and coats. They had armed themselves with their hunting rifles. After putting on her boots and coat, Renee grabbed her rifle and headed after her parents.

Huntingtown was panicking; no one knew where the sirens were coming from. There was no electricity, and there was no way for the storm Sirens to be sounding, yet they were. The entire Town was awake; everyone had a weapon. They had grabbed guns, knives, swords, and bats if they could be wielded and used for self-defense; Renee aimed her rifle at the trees, looking desperately for an explanation. Why would a siren sound? They only sounded when they were in Danger, so where was the Danger? When the predators revealed themselves, that was where the siren noise was coming from.

Renee could feel her heart jump into her throat. Her face went pale; they were here. They had found the Town. Terror and Panic soon swept Huntingtown; everyone knew what those monsters could do. After all, they did conquer the planet and impose the "choosing." Huntingtown was created hoping that its isolation in a cold climate would keep the Predators away, but it didn't. A voice came over those speakers. A male voice Gruff and laced with a growl. It was almost as if whoever was speaking was annoyed and angry.

"Although I have enjoyed seeing your little Town outmaneuver many hunters. I am afraid this is where your little games end. However, I will give you a chance to keep your freedom. A hunt. Your best hunter, Renee Madison, will lead you."

Renee felt her blood go cold as she stared wide-eyed at the ship. She was unknowingly dropping her gun at the news.

" she will be your leader; she will be my prize. You have a time advantage. Go!"

The ship took off, looking for a place to land, all while the news sank into the Town's residence. Renee had known she had fucked up when she fired at one of those predators and hit him. She had proven herself worthy of the hunt. Now she has to face the consequences, not only her but her entire Town had to. Renee had to win this hunt; the fate of her Town depended on it.

Well, Renee was still processing what had happened. Her enraged father stormed up to her; his face said it all.

" what. Have. You. done!" He demanded, saying carefully," And you better pick your words immensely, and I mean, very carefully!"

Renee carefully molded over her words. She had to be careful; she didn't admit to her dad that she had shot Taz when she stole from his traps. She looked at her dad for a brief second and saw his anger; quickly, he looked wide-eyed at the ground. After a few moments of Silence, her father angrily side.

" your silence says everything." He said, rubbing his brow." so let me guess, you weren't completely honest with me. You were spotted and accidentally shot a predator in your Panic when you were stealing from the traps, didn't you?"

" I swear I didn't mean to. I thought I hit our tree and just startled him. I never meant to him or even aimed for him." Renee argued back, stiffening up.

" I hate to interrupt your discussion," Luna said, twirling her bat," but that Predator might be back sooner versus later, so we might want to devise a plan now!"

Madison gathered the Town folk in the Town Square. Using a megaphone to explain what was happening, Renee snatched it from her father. She had a plan and idea to save the people of her Town.

" I know how this looks, but I have a plan. He's after me. So I plan that everyone escapes through the tunnels, and I'll stay behind to lead him away. I'll do my best to buy you as much time as possible." She said for the megaphone. Renee looked around and saw shocked faces but didn't look at her family; Renee knew they would protest." So I beg you, take the tunnels and don't come back for me; Huntingtown will live again. We always find a way, even if some of us make.. sacrifices for others. I'll lead him away and buy you as much time as possible. To flee as far as you can. I hope to see you all again, but if I don't, know I did this for the Town for all of you."

Renee loaded her rifle and prepared to take off into the woods, hopefully taking the Predator. She took one last look at her Town, her home, and hopefully, she would return the Victor of the hunt.

" be safe out there, Renee." Her father said in a reassuring voice

"We love you and come back safely, OK?" Her mother said, pulling her in for a hug. Renee gently assured her mother that she would see her again and unlock the tunnel Gates when she returned.

Luna playfully punched Renee in the shoulder" Kick some alien ass."

Renee momentarily watched the people flee into the tunnels and exit the gate. Wasting no time, Renee ran from Town, rifle in hand. Renee fled into the forest, running down paths made by other townsfolk as they adventured out. She failed to notice the nearly invisible figure standing just beyond the trees.

Renee has slowed her pace from sprinting to running and then to walking. She thought it was best to pace herself unless she accidentally ran into the Predator with no one's energy. Her eyes scanned the surroundings, the trees, the bushes, and any noises were met with her raised rifle. The snow softly crunched under Renee's feet. Slowly, she scanned the surroundings, watching for any signs that the Predator was near.

As Renee continued, she left her thoughts wandering.

"Just how long does this time advantage last? Am I far enough from Town? Have they given the Town folk enough time to flee? Can I even win this? " Renee was snapped back to reality when she heard a deep, almost feral roar. Renee snapped her head towards the sound just in time to see her pursue leap down from a tree and land solely on his feet.

Taz landed a few feet before her; his 10-ft form loomed over her. Strangely, Renee wasn't scared. She had felt more of a fear when her drunken father chased her around for a broken beer bottle or the times he beat the evil living life out of her and then lied to the Town about what happened. There were times when she tried to tell the Town what was happening, but when Madison was sober, he was a charmer, so no one ever believed Renee Luna. Renee studies herself; she raises her rifle and shoots at him. The bullet bounced off of his chest plate, arousing an angry Roar in him. Renee booked in the opposite direction, filled with adrenaline when she was recklessly abandoned and with a speech she didn't even know she could. She could hear him behind her; he let out another Roar as he thundered through the lower trees. Renee ran for a while, trying to think of a plan. Renee noticed it in the snow.

It's a snare trap, perfectly placed on a small game Trail. She didn't know that would work on a predator, but it was worth a try. Carefully, she jumped over it just as the Predator caught up with her. Instead of being snared, he fell into a hidden pit.

Renee skidded to a halt upon hearing him fall and the Snapping of well-placed branches. Catching her breath, she slowly made her way back to the Trap. He was Tangled in a mess of ropes, snarling as he tried to feed himself. The pit was about 6 ft deep but designed to trap a predator. She chuckled as she pulled up her rifle.

" looks like it's the end of the line for you, buddy, but for whatever it's worth, you were a worthy opponent." She said as she aimed her rifle for a headshot. This would be over in one second, and she could return to the Town and find her family as she pulled the trigger.


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