Alice meets the White Queen and the Execution

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Alice was riding the bandersnatch to the White Queen's castle along with Bayard leading the way, when she arrived the bandersnatch waited outside along with Bayard, Alice walked into the throne room with the sword in her hands and the White Queen was sitting on her throne

Alice walked up to the White Queen as she stood up and walked up to Alice as she was smiling at the White Queen 

welcome to Marmoreal said the White Queen as Alice handed her vorpal sword 

i believe this belongs to you said Alice 

the White Queen took the sword in her hands and looks at it then she closed her eyes with a smile then she smiled at Alice and she smiled back, 

the Vorpal sword is home again said the White Queen as she placed the sword in the armours hands

the armour is complete said the White Queen as she turns back to Alice

now all we need is a champion said the White Queen as Alice avoided eye contact for a second then she looked at the White Queen again 

you're a little taller than i thought you'd be said the White Queen

blame it on too much upelkuchen said Alice 

oh, come with me said the White Queen as she took Alice's hand and led her to the kitchen where the March Hare was making a bit of a mess, the queen ducked as soon as the March Hare threw a green soup at the door

is the March Hare here asked Alice as she walked into the kitchen 

you're late for your soup, you wee besom exclaimed the March Hare as Alice tasted the soup on the door

could use some salt said Alice

come here you said the March Hare as he threw a salt shaker at Alice, luckily she ducked in time and it hit the wall 

give me that here, choppy, chop, chop, chop said the March Hare as he chopped some vegetables and he carried some bowls away from the table that full some seasonings and other stuff used for the kitchen 

Alice and the White Queen went to the table and Alice sighed as she sat down and the White Queen was getting the stuff she needed to make something so Alice can be her normal size again 

pishalver, let me think said the White Queen as she picked up a bottle 

a pinch of worm fat said the White Queen as she dumped a pinch in a metal cup and Alice smiled

urine of the horsefly said the White Queen as she poured into the cup making it steam a bit then she pulled out a finger

buttered fingers said the White Queen as she smelled the buttered finger then she added it into the cup 

my sister preferred to study Dominion Over Living Things said the White Queen said the White Queen as she picked up another buttered finger and placed it into the cup 

tell me, how does she seem to you asked the White Queen 

perfectly horrid said Alice as the White Queen smiled dropped

and her head asked the White Queen

bulbous said Alice 

i think she may have some kind of growth in there, something pressing on her brain said the White Queen as she added another thing into the cup 

three coins from a dead man's pocket, two teaspoons of wishful thinking said the White Queen as she added another thing into the cup 

you can't imagine the things that go on in that place said Alice

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