I dont know what to call this

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( J is Josh m is mully n is narrarator e is eddie g is gaege/juicy
Also narrarator is like a dad to Josh so Josh just calls him dad but the others don't know about it

Me and mully looked at eddies camera and saw juicy with eddie

J:Oh hey guys

E&G: It's fanfic time!

J&M: Oh hell no

J: I just woke up dude

E: Yeah well to bad, narrarator isn't here in any fanfics so he joined to keep us company

N: I'm back! Oh hey mully hi Josh!

M&J: Hi narrarator!

N: I'll be going now, dont do anything sus got it? I'm talking to you Josh.

Yes dad. Josh said silently.

What was that? Mully said.

Uh.. Nothing.

*Narrarator leaves*

E: Alright, the first fanfic is me and juicy so both of you can relax for now

*After the fanfic coz I'm super lazy and don't wanna do this*

*Mullys pov*

After doing the fanfic it was my turn to edit the video, Josh left the room to do.. I don't know? I edited the video and saw that when me and Josh had to kiss for the fanfic ofcourse, I noticed that he blushed. It's weird because usually me and Josh kiss alot as jokes, we only kiss on video but why did he blush now? I'm so confused. Does he like me? Or am I just confused. I don't know. I'll just go back to editing. (this is mully by the way)

*Joshs pov*

I left the recording room while mully edited, I deicided to go down to use the bathroom and go make a snack for me and mully, I made the snack and went upstairs to give mully his snack,
I opened the door and handed him the plate.

Here you go mully, I hope you like it!

Thanks Josh! (Should I tell Josh he blushed when we kissed?)

Hey uhm.. Josh?


Uhm.. N-nevermind... It's nothing important. Thanks for the food josh.

You can trust me mully what is it? Josh said as he put his hand on my thigh.

(Uh fuck. Why did he do that? I kinda wish he could do that more. Wait what am I thinking? I'm not gay right. Right?..)

Uh-uhm.. Uh..

Cmon mully. You can tell me anything. Josh said as he sat beside me.

Uhm... Uh. I-i was just editing and you blushed when we kissed a-and you don't usually do that. (Jesus I keep stuttering.. What's wrong with me?)

Well I blushed because I really like you mully~ and I think we should hang out more, I like being alone with you. I love you so much mully~

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