Chapter 1

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It was a long day at work after being used to teach kids the concept of numbers and equations to being used in the most complex scientific and mathematical formulas.

As I was on my way to the home I shared with the other nine numbers I was feeling a little hungry after all the work I did today. I was feeling way more hungry than I usually was after a long day of work but I ignored the feeling and kept on my way home.

When I got inside the shared home I went straight for the kitchen to get some math symbols to eat, my favorite is the division symbol. When I opened the cabinet that was dedicated to mathematical symbols I couldn't see the division one. All of a sudden I hear giggling coming from behind me. I turned around to see Nine holding the last division symbol happily chewing away at it.

Nine knew that division was my favorite. "What the hell man" I yelled, as Nine just laughed at me and started eating the symbol before I could do anything about it.

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