𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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"so when I told him no-he threw a fit the whole day!!"(JAY)

"aww!!"Jungwon rubbed the puppy's head and scratched it's chin.

Suddenly,Jay's tummy rumbled and made a sound that was loud enough for the trio to hear.

"oops.."Jay blushed and looked down embarrassingly which was very cute.


"You hungry?"(Heeseung)

"well,yeah but.."Jongseong looked down and rubbed his tummy.

"I'm fine.I don't really eat a lot so it's fine."(JAY)

"no it's not!let's go!"Jungwon grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs.

Heeseung,Jake and Jakie followed them and watched as Jungwon pulled Jay into the kitchen.

Out of everything Jungwon could've picked,he picked a pack of raw meat,
opened it,and gave it to Jay.


"you're asking me to eat it raw??"Jay looked at him,confused before realizing.They were vampires,of course they didn't know.

"you guys don't know how to cook??"


"go out and wait.I'll cook.Im good at cooking anyways!you guys are lucky!"


Heeseung pulled Jungwon out of the kitchen and watched as Jay started taking random ingredients out of their fridge.

"Let's just go and wait until he's done."Jake nodded in reply and followed the two to the living room.

"like I said-"(SUNOO)

"hi!"Jungwon walked in and smiled at the trio who were playing Mario Cart.

"hi."Niki greeted before turning back to the television and focusing on trying to beat sunoo again.

"Where's the human?"(SN)

"oh he's in the kitchen."(HG)

"He agreed?"(SN)


"and what is he doing in the kitchen?"


"he can cook?"Sunoo was starting to get distracted by the conversation and lost to Niki who was cheering happily.

"what's happening?"Niki was now interested in the conversation too,since sunoo wasn't playing with him anymore.

"oh we were talking about Jay!"(JN)

And that's how the rant about Jay started.

"he sounds so cute!!"(sunoo)

"does he really act like a cat?"(NIKI)

"is he really that funny??"(SN)


"Everything we said is true-swear on my heart."(HG)

"seems to good to be true!"(SUNOO)

"it's been 1 hour?what's taking him so long?"(SN)

"Cooking isn't that fast dumb-dumb"

Just then,the strong aroma of steak wafted through the air,and just like that,they teleported to the kitchen to see what that was.

"what're you cooking?"Jake walked closer to Jay and put his arms around his small waist while his chin was on his shoulder.

"steak."Jay simply replied and flipped the steak around,clearly focused on cooking only.

<so cute!>(JN)

He wasn't wrong though.Jay's lips formed a pout,and his eyebrows were furrowed,showing that he was concertrated on the food,and only the food.

The room was filled with nothing but the sound of the steak sizzling.It was quiet.Which was unusual,because it was always noisy.

"And I'm done.You guys hungry?"(JAY)

Jake nodded enthusiastically and let go of Jay to give him space to move about.

They hadn't eaten all day,so maybe some human food would be nice.

Jay quickly plated all the food and ordered the vampires to place it outside.And then they sat down in silence and stared at each other.

"not going to eat?"(JAY)

"I don't know how to use a fork."
Sunghoon looked down embarrassingly and waited for Jay to start laughing and make fun of him,
but it didn't happen.

"you don't?"(Jay)

Sunghoon nodded in reply and watched as the members started laughing.

"I don't know how he doesn't know how to use a fork!!it's been 20 years of learning how to use a fork and he still struggles!"(HG)


"it's fine-come sit beside me and I'll feed you."Jay gestured at the empty seat beside him and watched as Sunghoon hesitantly approached him.


"What you guys doing?.Eat your food.
"Jay instructed like a mother handling with naughty kids.

"Yes Jay mother~!"(HG)

Sunoo sliced open the steak and watched as the juice flowed out,
making his mouth water.

"why is it red?"(NIKI)

"it's called medium-rare.it is cooked so that the outside is brown and the inside is still partially red."(JAY)

"I don't know what you just said but it looks soo good!"(SUNOO)

"I'm gonna take a bite."(JAKE)



"glad to hear"(JAY)

While the vampires were happily eating their food,Jay was feeding sunghoon and eating some food himself.

"Say ahh"Jay brought the spoon closer to his face and waited.


<It's exploding in my mouth!>
Sunghoon's eyes widened and he opened his mouth bigger while waiting for Jay to feed him.

"I need to take a photo of this!!"Sunoo pulled out his phone and took multiple photos of it from different angles while laughing.

"Send it in the group chat!!"(JN)


The room was filled with laughter and munching of food.Maybe meeting Jay wasn't so bad after all!
Sorry for not updating!!I know it looks kind of rushed,but I'll hopefully change it soon!so please bare with it for now❤️‍🩹

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