Chapter 19

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Author's POV

Following an explanation of their relationship together with Gemini's family and prom, they began planning their wedding. Knowing that his Phi will soon marry someone whom he loves made Prom extremely happy.

They informed him about them, and he said, "I hope you'll have an amazing life ahead of you Phi."

They engaged a wedding planner for a destination beach wedding with just a few close friends and family members from their businesses and families. Additionally, they chose the finest suits of their choosing for the wedding.

The night before the wedding, everyone had just finished eating dinner at the beachfront resort and was heading to their individual rooms for the night when Mark called out, "Come on Gemini, let's go to our room."

"Mark, what does our room mean? I'm returning to my room with Fourth."

"Ford is going to sleep with Fourth, you come with me," Mark suggested, causing Gemini to pout. "Can you just shut up you aren't allowed to sleep together a day before the wedding," Ford added and everyone laughed at his foolishness. "Norawit, stop making that face. You are a Mafia Boss for God's sake. If someone saw you like this, they would revoke your Most Powerful Mafia Boss title," Mark warned Gemini.

"They won't let me spend the night with you, fotfot." Gemini whined while being pulled by Mark.

"Gem, just for the day," Fourth said, making a strong effort not to chuckle.

"The only reason I didn't kick you down the bed was because of him, Mark."

"Really hilarious, Norawit." Then everybody went to their individual rooms. Gemini continued staring up at the stars, knowing that his goal of being married to Fourth—the love of his life—and spending the rest of his days with him—would come true tomorrow.

Mark questioned, "What are you mulling over, Gem?"

"I simply can't believe I'm getting married to him tomorrow, that's all."

"I told you Gemini if you two were meant to be, you two would be together," P'Mix stated as he entered the space with P'Earth.

"Yes, Phis, thank you for saving my life that day. Thank you to you as well, Mark, for always being my brother and best friend. I'm so happy to have you three in my life."

"Are you aiming to trigger emotion in me, Norawit?"

"Mark baby, what, are you planning to tear up?"

"You've always been there for me, Gem, and when my parents died in a car accident, Uncle and Aunty took care of me."

"You were our Uncle's son Mark, and our fathers were siblings, so of course we had to look after you," P'Earth said.

"Thank you for everything, P'Earth and Gemini."

"Come here come here don't cry now you look ugly," P'Mix remarked to the three of us. They hugged each other and went to bed.


In their individual quarters, Gemini and Fourth were getting ready.

"I can't believe I'm marrying him today Ford, I'm so happy."

"Fourth, I'm happy for you because you're finally getting your happiness. Best wishes for your new life." Fourth gave him a kind smile.

They heard a knock on the door, and Prom walked in.


"Come on over here, baby brother."

"Good luck phi, you deserve all the happiness in life, I love you a lot," Prom said as Fourth warmly held Prom.

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