chapter four

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Just as i gave him the antidote, Magellan appeared again. He was the Chief Warden for a reason, and everybody knew it. He was powerful, and had extremely dangerous abilities.

As he lands, i get knocked to a different part of the bridge. When i turn my head, i see Bon hiding, whispering to Luffy to forgive him for not helping him.

Magellan stands over Luffy in an intimidating manner, and asks the rubber boy if he still thinks he can win. Luffy being Luffy, however, tells the warden that he will save his brother, no matter what happens to him, even if it means he will have to lose his arm since he isn't able to touch Magellan since he is basically made of poison. Luffy's body starts to turn into a more pinkish hue, as steam leaves his body, and hits Magellan on his head, hurting the warden. But in the action, he got Magellan's poison on his hand...

Meanwhile, Bon Clay continues to run, sobbing to himself as he knocks out any guards in his way as i run after him, trying to get him back here. I knew that Buggy and Mr. 3 will dissapear, but did not expect Bon to do the same. Even though I knew deep down i should have stayed with Luffy, i still didn't stay him.

Just when i was about to catch up to him, i saw the Vice Warden, Hannyabal, who was standing there with Buggy and Mr. 3 at his feet, while he was talking to Magellan. My heart skipped a few beats when i saw Magellan, because this likely meant that he defrated Luffy. I tried to overhear their conversation. When he asked what to do with the now captured Buggy and Mr. 3, Magellan leaves Hannyabal to do as he wishes to them.
Hannyabal tells the lingering guards to go and help the others capture Bon Clay, and the remaining guards obey.

However, once they all leave, Hannyabal suddenly changes into Bon Clay himself, having somehow taken his place. I rralised that it was actually not Hannyabal, just Bon, who used his devil fruit abilities to change into the Vice Warden. I feel somewhat relieved at the fact that i found Bon, and run up to him.

"Phew, i've been running after you for a while now, glad that i found you! So, do we have any plan on how to save Luffy?" i ask as i try to catch my breath. "Yeah, we'll find Luffy and get him out of here. I don't care what it takes!" he replies, true determination in his eyes.
"WHAT?! No way that i'm going back there! We barely managed to escape, why would you wanna go back after all this struggle, are you out of your mind?!" Buggy shouts, definitely not a fan of the idea.
"Luffy is a friend, and that's all the reason i need!" Bon answers.
"That's the spirit! Let's get going then!" i start running, Bon not far behind me.

"I gave Luffy an antidote, so he has that, but no idea if he has enough life in him to..." i stop in my tracks, and my eyes widen as i see the antidote that i gave him, shattered on the floor. "No..."
"We need a new antidote, quick..." Bon says as he notices it too. "I think i have an idea..."

As we reach the medical room, he quickly changes his appearance, looking like Hannyabal again.
"Stay here, ill handle this" he tells me, and enters the room, leaving me with Buggy and Mr. 3. He was consulting a medical team, urging them to whip up an antidote that will cure Luffy of Magellan's poison.

When he came back, he looked devastated.
"How did it go? When will the antidote be ready?" i stop him as soon as he closes the door behind him.
"There's no antidote. They said that no one ever survived Magellan's poison as Luffy had, and with more types of poison now going trough his veins, trating him would just lead to him dying earlier."

However, Bon suddenly remembers Iva, who he was also trying to save, and he tells us that we are heading to Level 5. We head down to the said level, and, as he was still wearing Hannyabal's form, he was able to gain access to the keys that could unlock the cells in Level 5, while we wait outside the room. Though from the list of prisoners, he notices that Iva's name has been scratched off.

He asks the other guards in the room what happened to Iva, and the guards tell him that he was probably taken by the unknown figure who has been doing the same to other prisoners on the level, which they call "demoning away".

Together, we have entered the level. It was freezing down here, and we didn't have any warm clothes with us, Buggy and Mr. 3 in their regular prisoner clothes, me in my usual fit (which was not meant for this cold), and Bon who was still as Hannyabal, who has a reputation of walking around the level in his regular clothes without freezing.

As we are walking, we see some wolves approaching us. These wolves were originally on Level 2, but hqve been placed down here, due to their voracious appetites. Mr. 3 and Buggy quickly run off in no time, leaving Bon and me to fend for ourselves.

I quickly coat my arm in haki, and tell Bon to go and save Luffy, and that i will find them and get the two out of here. At first, he doesn't really like the idea of me being left behind, but when i tell him that Luffy might die if we don't hurry, he nods and runs away, looking for the rubber boy.

"Come here, fuckers" I mumble to myself. One of tbe wolves runs my way, heading after Bon, but as it tries running over me, i stop it by smashing its head into the snow with full force, knocking it out, likely forever, as the smow around the animal turns red from the blood. One of the other wolves runs after Bon Clay, but as i try to go after it, the other wolf that was also there attacks me from behind, making me fall to the ground.
"Looks like you'll have to handle that one, Bon..." i whisper to myself, knowing that i will likely not be able to run after that one.

As the other wolf that attacked me tries to bite my arm off, i grab its mout with my other hand (which is still covered in haki), and quickly break its jaw, making the creature let go of my arm and take a few steps back.

Meanwhile, as Luffy is suffering in a cell, Bon suddenly appears, wounded from his encounter with the wolf that went after him, but still standing. He apologizes to Luffy for leaving him alone during his fight with Magellan, and gets out the confiscated keys, opening the cell's door and freeing the prisoners there, including Luffy.

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