Curiousity killed the Cat

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A/n: this has been in my drafts for a while so i thought i'd finally post it. I'll make sure to finish the second part soon!

Warnings: mention of blood and wounds

The sound of thunder rumbled throughout the sky, turning the pitch black shadows to bright purples and whites. Your breath hitched as your eyes watched from the safety of your home.

Ever since you were a kid, you had a fear of thunder. The loud noise from the heavens always scared you, bringing you to tears every time. Thankfully you have began to get over your fear. As long as I watch the storm, ill be fine. you told yourself.

The patter of the rain fell on deaf ears. All of your attention being put onto the storm, starting at 1 and counting up with each rumble.

One, two, three, four.

Another bright flash lit up the sky, spreading from the centre and lighting up the entire sky for a split second. Your hands shot up to your ears, preparing for the large crash from above.

But you never heard it. Thoughts filled your head, silencing the sound as you stared at what looked to be something falling from the sky.

Its silhouette emitted a small glow, slowly dimming as it descended to the ground. It resembled person. But that cant be right. Whatever it was, it spelled out trouble. No one in their right mind would go towards— whatever that thing was. They'd be out of their mind.

But the more you thought about the insane idea, the better the idea seemed. You just couldn't help yourself. As they say curiosity killed the cat.

Without a second thought, you dashed towards your front door, only taking a second to clumsily put your shoes on, and ascended down the few stairs in front of your entrance.

It felt good. As weird as it seemed. The feeling of rain hitting your face. The wind that tossed your hair back. For once in your life, you felt exhilarated. You couldn't help but feeling like a main character in that moment.

Your feet hastily took you towards the dim light that still shone in the forest. You couldn't help but hear your mom words in your head. Whenever the forest goes quiet, run. It means somethings wrong. Yet in that moment you couldn't care less.

Of course, the forest would be quite in this situation. With one of the worst storms you've ever witnessed going on, the forest was bound to be quiet. Let alone with the addition of whatever you were chasing after.

You swiftly dodged small branched and fallen logs. Years of scouring through the forest as a child coming in handy. Almost like you were meant to be in this situation. Like you were meant to find this person— this creature— this thing. You could feel it.

Seeing the white light shine through the trees, your steps slowed, before coming to a stop all together. Eyes landing on what you had been running to this entire time.

There it laid. The branches seemed to almost shield the being. Providing protection from the furious pelt of rain.

You couldn't help but trail your eyes up and down its form. White clothes stained red, mixing in with the earthy tones around it. You moved your attention to its face. Its eyes where closed, in a peaceful slumber. Oblivious to the dangers that surrounded it.

It looked angelic. Resembling an angel, at least that's what you'd always imagined one to look. Their hair was a light blonde, perfectly framing their face, regardless of the situation, their lips a beautiful redish pink. Everything about them was perfect.

You couldn't help but take in a breath, your mind still trying to catch up with itself.

Blood? Right— blood! They're bleeding! Are they dead? They cant be dead right?? Its not like they fell from the sky or anything— wait no that's exactly what happened.

Instantly, your hand moved to their parted lips. Hovering over them. Please be alive. Too many questions filled your mind, as you forced them back. You had to focus. Focus on whats in front of you.

A sigh of relief left you lips the second you felt their breath against your hand. "Ok ok they're alive. What the hell do I do now?!? First aid? Right—? Omg I should have gone into a medical field instead of art." You began to panic. Dread filling you. Your heart pumping three times faster than it should.

You quickly discarded your sweater. Using your teeth to rip it. All that you could think was helping this.. thing!

Carefully turning them onto their side, you lifted the shirt that covered their back. Examining the damage. "I just need to patch you up, then somehow bring you back to my house, not that hard— right?"

God I hope so.

You patched them up as quick as you could, making sure to be mindful of everything. Another sigh left your lips, as you securely wrapped up the last of their injuries.

Water soaked your shoes, causing them to squish with your every move. You were covered in mud, dirt, blood, you name it. But you didn't care. You just had to help this creature. Your hand moved to their left cheek, being meet with cold skin. That can't be good. You thought.

You began to move them to a sitting position, until the sound of them wincing caught your ears. Your body froze. Are they awake? What if they hurt you? A million scenarios traveled through you mind.

Their eyes fluttered open, before fleeting to yours. "I-its going to be ok! I wont hurt you I promise. I know this is weird just please trust me!" Words left your mouth before your brain could register them. You just hoped to explain the situation the best you could, while also showing its urgency.

They only gave a hazed nod, showing that they understood you. "Can you walk?" You asked straightening yourself, while keeping a firm hold on their arm around your shoulder.

In response, they follower your lead, taking a bit of their weight off of you. "Its going to be ok." You said mainly to yourself.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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