The World Meeting

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Western Council Meeting
Narrators POV


One of the most advanced human civilizations to exist in the entire world.

Divided into four districts, it is the a country ruled by prosperity.

The streets are paved with well made stone, and glass is utilized to display items for stores.

However, this place also serves as a sort of... Meeting area.

The Western Council.

It is a sort of vanguard of humanity, where important figures from different countries gather around to talk about upcoming or ongoing threats.

Usually, only one representive is allowed to attend the council meeting... But more can be added for a small price.

The more representives, the more power and influence one holds.

As such, lesser countries usually talk less and higher and stronger countries get to decide first mostly.

However, the fact it remains as a vanguard for future threat discussions remains.

Which is why he is here.

Leon Cromwell...

Although he hated to attend meetings like this, this time it was for the better. He really, really needed to know...

[Confirmed, Requirements have been met, Individual Rimuru Tempest will begin evolution into True Demon Lord]

Just what the hell was happening.

True Demon Lord...

He had only heard of them, a thing he believed to be a mere myth and story.

He never believed that a True Demon Lord existed, merely because he had a knack of making sure he saw or witnessed the thing before his eyes.

Yet, here he was, proved wrong that Demon Lord's do infact... Exist.

The opposite of Hero's, bringers of destruction who destroyed whatever came in their path.


It was the same Majin that came to his country just a month ago...

Things were progressing very fast, way too fast for comfort. That Majin...

He grew so much in just the span of a month, the entire world is most certainly not going to react to this kindly.

The entire balance of power in the entire world was destined to shift sooner or later, his intuition as a Hero told him that very clearly.

So, here he was, the emergency meeting of all the Western Council.

An escort guided him to the meeting room, walking Infront of him they traversed the lavishly decorated hallway.

His subordinates were left in his country to defend Incase foreign invaders took advantage of their situation, after all they are still recovering from the massive influx of damage Shizue caused.

Walking through the hallways, deep in his thoughts...

Leon wondered how the new Demon Lord would react and how the World was specifically going to react.

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