TW: sexual assault 

The loud banging woke Eun up from her sleep as she groggily walked up to her door "Who's this?" she asked but the person on the other side kept demanding her to open the door so she did since she quickly wanted to deal with it and go back to sleep

When she opened the door she could smell a strong alcohol scent from the man in front of her "What a pretty girl you are" he said as he grinned from ear to ear before she could close the door on his face he quickly put his leg between the door and got in

"I've always known that you were pretty but never this pretty no wonder my wife disliked you" he stated as he slowly approached her. Eun took slow steps to the back and was hit by the wall. She frantically looked around trying to find an object to protect her but couldn't find one

She always thought sharp objects would harm her daughter so she would try not to raise her daughter in such an environment

"You smell so nice" the drunk man said as he was near her and sniffed her. He then took her hands with his hand and raised them above her head and examined her well "Such a pretty lady all alone you must feel lonely right?" he asked chuckling

He then reached for her pajama shirt and ripped it off. Once he saw what was underneath he whistled before touching her inappropriately. Eun tried her best to wiggle out her way from his grip but the man only tightened his grip as she cried helplessly


"What do you mean that Eunjae is mine?" Jaehyun angrily asked interrupting whatever conversation his friends were having. Both his friends stayed quiet not knowing what to say

"I thought she was mine because I did see some resemblance but when she denied it claiming that it was Eunwoo's I believed it. How could I not when he himself claimed Eunjae as his" he chuckled dryly

Both his best friends hid the fact that he had a child with his ex-wife when he trusted them the most "So this is how I find out huh?" 

"We promised Eun" Jungwoo said quietly and it angered Jaehyun more "Promised her? What about me huh? What about my daughter? Have none of you thought that maybe Eunjae wanted to see me? Know more about me?" he angrily shouted at his friends

Yuta angrily put his drink down and stood up "Maybe if you weren't so selfish and thought only about yourself we could have told you. But why should we tell you the truth knowing damn well you didn't care about Eun even the slightest bit? So what if Eunjae is yours? What can you do for her? Can you give up everything you have for her? Can you promise her a good and loving life?"

"Even if Eun does not come from money she gave up everything for her daughter and everything for you. Chemistry degree from SNU? Wasted because you didn't want her to work because you found it embarrassing. She decided to divorce you because she knew you wouldn't give love to her child and I believe that it was the best decision she made. When we all know how shitty of  a husband you were why should we gatekeep Eun's happiness so stop bothering us and get lost"

"Where is she?"

"What are you gonna do? Bother her at night and ruin her sleep?"

"Tell me where the fuck she is"

"Home" was all Jungwoo answered before Jaehyun quickly ran out and made her way into her apartment building

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