case 10,001....

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🐟•Sea tube POV.•🧪
Oh and I forgot to introduce myself I'm Sea tube!! A case happened today. Someone was found dead in the woods at 10:00 a.m. July 1st. Only half of the body remained they asked questions asked if they seen any footprints. nothing only found blood splattered on trees, bushes, and on the floor. the family cried as they seen the body get taken away. I would have been like that too. I never wondered if it was a person or One bite soon enough 2 hours later they figured it out it was One bite. My question is why has one bite never wanted to kill me? he always
Sniffed me and never launched, scratched, or even put a tooth on me am I special. does he like me (NOT LIKE LIKE!!) or something? Beast as big as that would want to eat on something like me maybe because I'm glass or maybe because I'm just liquid maybe. I will never know he never tells me. the only thing I know is that he's comfortable and not scared around me. I've told my friend about it. he doesn't agree. he thinks it's just a trap and one day. he's just going to launch at me and murder me. maybe someday I'll bring him with me...

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