Skylor's pov
Finally I reached chen's Palace after half an hour and chen was waiting for me at the door.
Chen's pov
I was waiting at the door for the theif to come while i saw skylor and she said "dad why are you waiting at the door."
And I said "I will tell you after you tell me why you are here."
(a-n I am going to do something different for the rest of this chapter because there is a dialogue c =chen s=skylor n=nya e=everyone and k=kai)S. I came to ask you a question.
C.what is it skylor.
S.can my new boyfriend join us.
C. Ok but I have two questions if you answer the first one right then yes.
S. Ok dad.
C. First question is he evil?
C.second one who is he?
S.Kai the fire ninja and the hottest one in the tournament.
C.wait but isn't he good.
S. He was but I turned him evil.
C. Ok.Kai comes with nya in a bag
K.shut up nya you are so annoying.
N.well maybe I wouldn't be as annoying if you didn't betray me.
K. For the last time I said you can join us.
N.well I want to stay loyal to my friends unlike you.
K.shut up.
S.wait did kai already get nya.
C.who is nya?
S.she is the theif and kai's sister.
K.hey skylor.
S.hey kai I see you already got nya.
N. Who are you and how do you know my name?
S.I am kai's boyfriend and he told me. you are the one who turned him evil. it was a choice you or skylor and I obviously chose her.
K.she is way better then you.Kai puts cloth in nya's mouth.
E-n. Finally she shut up.
S.kai can you do me a favour?
K. What is it skylor?
S. Go to your room because I didn't finish my talk with my dad.
K.ok my love see you later.
S.see you later my love.K and n exit
C.ok your boyfriend can stay with us.
S. Wow thanks dad.
C.but on one condition.
S. What is it?
C. He has to do everything you want. is that all?
C.yes.Skylor pov
I go up to kai's bedroom
K.hey skylor how did it go?
K.So no negatives?
S.only you have to do what I want.
K.thats easy I was going to do that anyway.
K.yes you are the best girl in ninjago after all. you are so.
S. Yeah. what do you want to do?
S. I want to be pregnant.I saw kai was speechless.
A-n ok now it is back to normal.