i. New beginnings

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I left my hometown.

Today, i unpack my things at my dad's place where I'll live from now on. Well, i say that, but I'll be home alone most days since my dad is a workaholic. The house is pretty simple, a kitchen, living room, bathroom and two rooms. I open the door to my new bedroom and settle down my things next to my bed.

I look around and on the walls are some pictures of the old times. My dad probably hung those up to make me feel more at home. I smiled softly and then let myself fall on the bed.


I woke up, washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on my uniform. I took a quick look in the mirror and then walked out, locking the front door behind me.

Fortunately, the school is close so I can just walk there. It's weird to start my second year of high school in a new place. The hardest thing will be making new friends. I was always shy when meeting new people and now I had to arrive as the new kid. New town. New me..? We'll see....

Here I am, at the school gate. The first thing I noticed was how big the buildings were. What really stood out to me were the gyms. I unconsciously wandered off towards them. I opened a crack in the door and looked inside.

And there I saw him. Tall, brown hair, green eyes. A middle blocker that looked, tired?

He saw me.

Flustered at the thought of being found out, I took a step back before turning around and walking away, fast. What was I doing there? I stopped thinking about it and walked over to the director's office. I knocked on the door and heard a soft 'come in' so I did.

"Hello! You must be miss Y/n right?" The kind lady welcomed me in, showing me the chair in front of her desk. She told me the basic information for the functioning of the school and then explained to me how a classmate was on the way to show me around.

And just as she was done saying that, the same guy from earlier came in. We made eye contact for a second. "Hey, aren't you the girl from befor-"

I grabbed his wrist and pulled him outside of the office, saying a quick 'thank you miss' on my way out. It was just us two in the hallway now, facing each other and there's no more doubt in my mind.

This was THE Suna Rintaro. The same guy who was calling me 'princess' online. The same person I was texting every day to vent out my problems to.


It all started in a random discord server one day. I like playing some chill indie games in my free time and a friend of mine back in the day let me join this server on discord. And that's where we met and started talking.

At first I knew him as sleepy_boii and he new me as _peaches_ but as we started chatting more and more, we eventually found each other on our socials. That's when I realized how big of a deal he was. He was very attractive and good at volleyball so his account was well over 100k followers.

I grew self conscious, thinking he would stop talking to me as he realized I was just a nobody but no. He didn't change one bit and soon became one of my closest friends. For the past year now we would text every single day.

~end of flashback~

And now he was there, in front of me, the real deal. I never thought I would meet him like this. The weirdest thing too was that he didn't seem to recognize me at all.

I felt a bit conflicted as to wether to tell him the truth about who I am or not. I ended up choosing the latter.

"So...mysterious new girl, what were you doing this morning, snooping around the gyms like that?" He asked me, not even trying to hide the huge smug on his face. I rolled my eyes so hard it gave me a sprain. "I was just looking for my friend. Never mind that, can you show me around already?"

As much as I was awaiting the moment I would finally meet him, I was also not ready for the face reveal per say. He shrugged off my cold response and quickly showed me around my new high school. He was very kind and easy to talk to, even if for him we were complete strangers.

We chatted a bit and eventually came lunch time. "Hey, I was going to catch up with my friends from volleyball for lunch, would you maybe like to join us?" His invitation took me by surprise but I accepted it nonetheless.

His friends were surprisingly excited to meet me. One of them had so much energy it reminded me of my friends back home. "So it's Y/n right?" The blond one addressed to me with a charming smile before getting bonked on the head by his twin. "Shut up tsumu, stop trying to flirt with every girl you meet!" "Was not! And why would you hit me like that samu!"

The argument grew bigger by the second and they were now on the floor, rustling each other. I panicked a bit, not knowing what to do and turned to Suna for help. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him just filming the whole thing go down, laughing cynically to himself.

The twins ended up breaking apart after a few punches and that's when I understood that this was normal for them. We ate lunch and I actually had fun with them. They were all kind and somewhat funny in their childishness.

I saw Suna on his phone a lot and I could see my  phone had gotten a ton of messages. And that's when it hit me, he was texting me! Well, without actually realizing the person he was texting was right next to him. I went to grab my phone to hide the evidence but it was already too late for that.


•~ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘~• haikyuuxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now