"I don't want to just be friends, don't you get that?"

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Over the span of the next month, charles and I hung out a lot more than usual, and I could tell there was some sort of tension between us, and not just when we hung out together. Every time I would go over Arthurs house or go to a race, there was something between us, and I didn't know what it was, and it started on the yacht with isa. Charles started to look at me different and act more awkward towards me and When something would happen like that, I thought it to be something too stupid to be true. Charles Leclerc is a Formula 1 racer, he would NEVER, and I mean ever, have a crush on me, a girl 3 years younger than him who just so happens to be his brothers best friend. But even if there were something there, We couldn't go there, I wouldn't let myself go there. Arthur was my best friend and since rule number 9 states his brother is off limits, I had to respect that and my best friend and follow the rules.

But then, a month after we started to actually hang out and enjoy each others presence and I would fly with him to races, he started to avoid me, and it was very obvious, but I had no clue why. The only reasons I could think of is one, he realized that I do not in fact keep good company, or two, he realized that I was trying my hardest to maintain our status as just friends. The first one was probably the reason because I have done nothing that would give the second one away. Whatever the reason, I don't appreciate it one bit. if he has a problem with me, he should just come out and tell me, not just avoid me, especially after glaring at me and Carlos when we were talking and inviting me on the jet to fly to the track.

Anyways, today is the day where all the Leclerc brothers and their mom, me, and my parents, get together, so I need to put that all behind me. It is extremely hard to get together like this during Charles racing season, so every chance we get to spend time with each other is cherished. Our get together is at the Leclerc's house and I was running 30 minutes behind because I had a modeling shoot today and a little monthly meeting with my fashion business. In my fashion business, Me and a few other people just created new looks that are dropping tomorrow, so we've been busy with that.

Since I was the last one arriving at the get together and felt guilty, I stopped by our local grocery store to get some food so I didn't come in empty handed. Weirdly enough, me and Charles shared a love for sushi, so I picked up some delicious homemade sushi. Arthur on the other hand despises sushi and literally wants to throw up every single time Charles or I eat it near him.

When I knocked on the door, Pascale opened the door with a huge smile and threw her arms up. "She's here! And she bought food!" Pascale yelled and wrapped me in her arms. Holding the sushi in one hand, I hugged her with the other while laughing. If there was one thing to be noted about pascale, it was that she absolutely loved me. I don't think i'm too special, but to her, I'm like a princess. I think it has a lot to do with her having 3 kids and all of them being boys, so to her, I'm like the daughter she never had. "I of course had to stop by and get some of Louis's famous sushi." I laughed and kissed her cheeks and she kissed mine. We greeted each other for a little longer before heading outside where everyone else was. "The boys are of course playing some paddle outside per usual. I have some very competitive boys." Pascale opened the door and let me walk out before her.

"I think that's a good thing considering 2 out of 3 of them are in Formula racing." I added in with a smile. Immediately when I walked outside, my eyes found Charles Leclerc. The minute I saw him playing paddle with his brothers with his shirt off my heart beat sped up to a million miles an hour and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. There were so many details about this man that stood out in this particular moment. I've seen Charles shirtless countless of times in my life, and I don't think I'll ever really get used to it. His neck looks broad that was connected to his very muscular shoulders and pecks. His hands always stood out to me too since his hands looked amazing with the rings on them. Lastly, I couldn't forget his abs that were especially toned since he was playing paddle and that v-line that I wanted to attach my m- no, I couldn't think like that. I found myself repeating rule number 9 in my head over and over again.

It Has Always Been You • Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now