What did I do?

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"Akutagawa seems to be frozen and steps back..in shock seemingly that was his first kiss ...he is not thinking ..straight but walks ..to the side of the bed and gets in...and covers himself,  facing Atsushi.."

"Akutagawa is staring at him..with eyes filled with embarrassment..questioning everything that just happened ..wondering if he will remember tonight ..'He slowly drifts off to sleep..holding him..'

"It's about 8:00 in the morning..' atsushi is waking up..opening his eyes slowly ..seeing akutagawa ..'Atsushi stares at him..for a minute and then feeling arms around him..and he shouts out of embarrassment..saying; G-GET OFF?!..AKUTAGAWA!.."

"Akutagawa seems to be irritated..and thinking to him self ... why he yells first thing in the morning..annoyed replies with a grouchy tone; A-Atsushi...stop yelling first thing in the ..morning, goodness your so loud..quite down.."

"Atsushi sits their..quiet before bursting..'Akutagawa..let go of me.. this is to EMBARRASSING!..'Akutagawa springs up..falling off the bed, remembering what happened last night .."

"Akutagawa replies with a face that is blushing a bit; Atsushi..do you remember anything last night?.."

"Atsushi crawls to the side of the bed where akutagawa had been laying staring..' Atsushi replied  saying; Hmm?.. I don't remember..anything did something happen?!.. Did I DO SOMETHING out of the ..ordinary..possibly!."

"Akutagawa stares at him..with his eyes slowly looking at Atsushi lips..' akutagawa replies in a tone with embarrassment; Nothing out of the ordinary..you could say.."

"Atsushi seems confused but he ignores it and ask Akutagawa anything he would like to do..possibly today? He looks like he is waiting for a response..seemingly excited if he is gonna say yes.."

'Akutagawa replies with a soft tone; Hmm?...I do have work today..and I was gonna chat with gin..and getting caught up with..detailed work..'

'Atsushi seems to be sad at this ..comment but gives off a gentle smile, understanding because he is a busy man..'

'Akutagawa appears to see his sadden face ..smiling a little bit ..'

'How about this..maybe tonight after I'm done with work I'll come vist you? Depends if your available during that time?

' Atsushi widens his eyes looking flustered with excitement replying; Yes..very much I'll be waiting for you tonight!..'

'😨it's coming to a end soon..💀I might make a other story different and maybe more gruesome 😨...so thank you for reading'

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