Episode 1: The start of a brand new adventure!

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In a sunny day, in Cabo Poco,of the Paldea region, a young boy is writing down on a book.
???: Yes! This is the day I finally start attending Uva Academy!
This boy, is Jules, a 14 year old boy dreaming of someday becoming a strong Pokémon battler
Jules: I wonder what kind of people I'll meet at the academy....
Jules rushes downstairs for his breakfast
Jules: Hi mom! Is breakfast ready?
Mom: Oh hi Jules, you seem excited! Breakfast is ready, come eat!
Jules: with food in his mout Why wouldn't I be? I'm finally attending Uva Academy- munch munch it's gonna be so cool!
Jules: Yep! And I'm ready to- huh?
Ding dong, someone is at the door!
Jules: I'll go get it!
The boy opens the door
Jules: Hi mister! How's your day? Come in!
???: Ah... what a polite boy, thank you very much.
Mom: Oh hello- Wait.... You're Director Clavel!?
Clavel: Oh yes... hello m'am, you must be master....Er.... What's his name?
Mom: His name Is Jules
Clavel: Oh yes! You must be the mother of Master Jules, pleased to meet the both of you!
Mom: Pleased to meet you too... erm.. Jules, you should probably go get your hat and bag!
Jules: On it! Right before rushing up the stairs
Mom: And oh, Mister Clavel, would you like a cup of tea?
Clavel: Oh yes, madam.
Footsteps a heard from upstairs coming closer...

Jules: Hey mom! I'm done!
Mom: Already?
Jules: Yep!
Clavel: Haha he's fast isn't he... oh wait! I almost forgot! Master Jules, meet me outside, I have to give you something very important.
Jules: Sure!

Clavel: All right, come out you three!

Three Pokémon emerge from Pokéballs, a Fuecoco, Sprigatito and Quaxly.

Clavel: Master Jules, you must choose one of these three to become your companion for your time at the Academy.
Jules: Woah!!!
Clavel: Well, you also have to meet me at the neighboring house over there, when you are ready to make your choice, meet me there!
Mom: Well, Jules, I'll miss you, make mom proud ok?
Jules: Yep! I'll make you hyper proud!
5 minutes later
Jules: Mr Clavel! I'm here! And I'm ready to choose!
Clavel: Very well, but first meet Nemona, president of the student council and a trainer of Champion rank!
Jules: Champion rank!?
Nemona: Yep, please to meet you Jules!
Jules: Pleased to meet you too!
Clavel: Anyways, master Jules, you shall make your choice, choose wisely...
Jules: After much of thinking, I'll go with Fuecoco!
Nemona: Amazing! You look like you have a bunch of potential! Let's be friends!
Jules: Oh yes... and
Jules: Woah! You totally read my mind!
Nemona: Woah! Director Clavel, can I please have Sprigatito?
Clavel: But, Nemona, don't you already have Pokémon?
Nemona: Yea! But I wanna start over!
Clavel: .... Well, here you go...
Nemona: Yay! Hey Jules let's battle over there!
Jules: Haha, yeah! Let's go!


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