Episode 3: A draconic encounter

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Jules, Fuecoco, Lechonk and Nemona are on their way to the Lighthouse, when Nemona spots a Padma running off to catch it...
Jules: Ah... I've known Nemona for like 5 minutes but I can tell, this is classic Nemona...
Jules: Whoa! What was that?! It looks like it comes from down there near the beach and uh- WHOA, THAT PURPLE THING IS IN DANGER I GOTTA HELP IT!!! FUECOCO, LECHONK, LET'S GO!
The loud and thunderous roar, this time was extremely strong, breaking the ground and sending Jules to a deadly fall... well... not really deadly just a broken leg and neck....
Jules: AAAAAH!!!! FUECOCO AND LECHONK, RETUUUURRRRNNN!!!! AAAAAAAAAHAHA! AAAAH! Did I die? Oh? Rotom phone!? You have a mind of your own!? Well, thanks for saving me.. haha
Rotom Phone: Sure thing buddy! I'll do a proper introduction later, 'cuz right now we need to sort this out!
The purple and odd creature lets out one last roar, this time, one that is so strong, it knocks some sense into the Houndours attacking the odd Pokémon...?
Houndour A: Hound! Hound! (Oh, Pecha Berries! This thing is definitely not something we should mess with! Scram!)
Houndour B: Dourrr! (You're right! We should run!)

The two Houndours quickly run away, with their, tails between their legs... or hind legs....
Jules: Oh... wow.... Awesome Pokémon.... Oh c'mon Jules! FOCUS FOCUS FOCUSSS, I need to help this.... Pokémon? I think?

Jules runs towards the Pokémon, and says...
Jules: Hey!.... Mr.Purple Lizard thing...ummmm, are you okay?
??!: Agia...Agi...as...
Jules: Oh no, what should I do, I have no potions- wait... the sandwich mom made for me! Here you go!
The mysterious creature gobbles up the sandwich and immediately stands up letting out a 4th powerful roar!
Jules: Haha, you like it? I'm glad so! It's my mom's secret sandwich recipe! Hahah- oh?
The creature walks towards a cave, that Is named « Intel Grotto » and a bright blue light shines, and the Pokémon changes into a powerful-looking Pokémon surprising Jules, the creature looks back  at the 14-year old boy, signaling the boy to follow him...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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