Chapter 1

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Having narrowly escaped death, Bidi was writhing in pain when she tried to get out of bed. The doctor advised she stayed in bed and rested, but she didn't even know she was on a boat. Her last memory was running from the Harpers. After that, shock set in.

With a strong urge to murder Albi and his kin, she remembered her deal with the devil. It all was starting to come back to her. The betrayal. The escape. The Harpers. The devil. The deal.

The betrayal would lead to an occupation of Frithe from the Royal Army, which had been on a steady rise since the end of the War on Sorcery. This special force group served the crown and had no affiliation with any of the parliament of any of the three regions the crown ruled over.

Having finally realized she had lost all authority over Frithe, and perhaps Tortu, she would exercise what little power she held over the region before the regions' senators could rid her from the scope of their powers.

Her powers, which were almost limited to vetoes, would force the Frizian parliament to reconsider their stance on the crown, and the power in which it still held over them, even if only by a thread.

The attempt to use laws to strangle and weaken the economy and overall power of the other two regions forced the senators of the region to realize she still held power over the regions, despite the threat of war against the crown.

Once they arrived back in Gerak, the only región not trying to escape the crown— in fact, they were strongly hoping the crown would assume more power within parliament— Bidi moaned as she was helped out of the bed in her private chamber of the Royal Merchant. It was Sandro who was most concerned for her well being. While he actively spied on her, he respected her very much and didn't wish her harm.

Most of the guards who survived the Harpers orchestrated attacks didn't truly care if she lived or died, except for the fact it would look bad if a client died under their watch. While their career was on the line, they didn't extend an ounce of sympathy.

The guards, military personnel, and law enforcement given the task to protect her did well, but just over a quarter of their men were lost to the attack, which was the real reason morale was so low on the last day at sea. The men they lost, some of them anyways, were good friends of those who remained. And the military personnel on board, who had lost three of their own, were known for their proximity and closeness to their fellow soldiers, which made the remaining military personnel feel as if they'd lost a blood relative.

The men would soon be done with their mission, though. And while they wanted to drop to their knees and curse god, they maintained a professional air until Queen Charming was successfully transported safely back to her home. Only then could they truly mourn their fallen brothers.

The security team knew the threat wasn't over. The massive amount of Harpers in Frithe, and the gang's high financial power, meant there could be more Harpers waiting for them at port, because Senator Meduze had access to the entire schedule of Queen Charming's trip up to the moment she made her way back to her home.

The blatant betrayal of Senator Rawston Meduze resulted in Bidi forcing herself out of bed and seeking the captain. While the men could care less about her, it was good for them to see their client was still alive. Bidi entered the captain's den, "we need to make port in Port of Princes!" She urged.

"That's an extra day at sea," he pointed out with logic. "We need to get you to a real doctor as soon as we can."

"I fear more will be waiting at Port Porvia. Senator Meduze had access to know I would end my trip there. He was the one who put together my itinerary. Please," she begged.

"Oh, alright," the captain, a former pirate, agreed.

He left the captain's den and went to steer the ship in the other direction.  Bidi, who was very stubborn, remained amongst her men, despite the massive amount of discomfort it caused her to stand. She boosted morale as best she could for as long as she could, then went back into her private room, so none of them could see she was in a tremendous amount of pain.

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