baby, show me what it's like

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"Minho, someone is here to see you!"

It's the first thing Jisung hears upon entry to the warehouse situated right in the outskirts of the city. It's pretty much abandoned by the looks of it on the outside, and not just anyone would snoop around to find themselves head-to-head with armed guards in the entryway.

Jisung had turned up in the middle of a random Tuesday, silver Lexus fresh from a car wash. He felt good today, dressed in the nicest fitting shirt he owned, ironed to perfection. His legs wore his baggy leather pants, perfectly draping over his two-inch platformed Dr. Martens, but tight around his thighs to make his ass look a hundred times better.

But seriously, his first impression had nothing at all to faze the men who had been keeping guard of the front. He flashed them a dazzling smile, winking at their built figures.

"For Lee Minho, please."

One squinted his eyes. "Who are you?"

Jisung's lips tug into a smirk. "Han Jisung," he peers over to eye the clipboard in his hands. "I don't know, I may be listed as 'baby' on that list, though." A conceited grin leaves his throat right after. All he receives is an unimpressed once over as they both exchange silent sighs.

"Just go in." He says before he mumbles into the mic-piece draped over his neck.

And that's how he found himself walking the said warehouse after gaining access to enter. The huge space is divided into sections, with actual walls and rooms built in to manage business around here easier. Jisung greets all that he walks by, and he's mostly receiving blunt and indifferent looks from folks clad in all black attire in response, but he doesn't care all too much.

He makes sure his lips are slick with gloss, blowing a smooch at his reflection in the compact mirror in his hand as he ruffles his bangs, arranging the peekaboo hot pink strands over his eyes. Then, he barges into the room that he is meant to go to in order to meet the man he had missed all week.

Blown eyes stare at him when he bursts into the room. The first thing Jisung notices out of all things is that Minho is standing there looking ridiculously good clad in all black attire, similar to those he had seen outside. Secondly, there's a gun in his hand pointed right at Jisung.

He doesn't flinch. Nor move. Only keeps that bright smile on his face as Minho relaxes immediately at the sight of him, tucking his pistol back into his holster as a rather relieved groan leaves his throat. "You scared the fuck out of me. Don't do it again."

Jisung breaks out into a giggle and he makes the rest of the way over to the other male as he takes in his surroundings. A shooting range. It's ideal, as this place is packed with highly trained personnel. "But not just anybody is allowed here," he coos, watching as Minho gets back to his work. "Did I really freak you out?"

"How did you get in?"

"Well, of course you put my name on the access so I entered with no questions asked," Jisung winks, hand coming up to smooth down Minho's bicep. "So, tell me. Just 'Han Jisung'? You're telling me that's how I got in? After all the pestering I gave you, I promised you peace if my alias here was 'baby'."

Minho gives him a slow stare, lips quirking up the slightest. "You're crazy."

"Am I now?" Jisung pouts and he eyes as Minho polishes a dagger, picking it up to examine it and sliding the sheathe over it as he places it back on his belt. He tilts his head and hums. "Perhaps I am. I walk in here like it's no big deal so I could see my honey."

The other man scoffs, but it's out of amusement. "Don't you have anything better to do than just that?" Minho raises his eyebrows. Jisung's lips tug downwards as he continues to dismiss his outputs and ask his own questions. He huffs and crosses his arms over his body.

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