Vaffanculo. (Arianna)

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(Italian: 'Go fuck yourself.')


Nursing the same rum and coke for the last hour has done nothing to temper the anguish of my chaotic mind. Over the last two weeks, I have tried every way possible to avoid Dominic since my lapse in willpower, and so far, it's been successful. Unfortunately, I had to be present for the meeting earlier today as Lorenzo and Alessandro had gone back to their respective homes and left LA for me to handle our business here. Staring into the now watered-down drink in front of me only pulls me into deeper thought of our interactions.

After those fateful words left my lips, his mood severely changed. He's been acting like a little boy who has been kicked out of Disneyland. I regret my words because they hurt, but I was honest, and I have to stand my ground. I don't want to love anyone; love gets you killed; just ask my mother Evelina. I don't deserve to love life is the reason for so much pain. No one deserves to be brought into this shit show. I'm fortunate in many ways, but I'm emotionally detrimental to everyone.

At our meeting, he was so cold to me and had his right-hand man Ivan speak to me instead. He was there, but he might as well not of been. I never thought I would miss his intense gaze, but I found myself hoping to find his electric green eyes on me. They never were though. Suddenly the two seats next to me are taken by two large figures. Gianni texted earlier to ask if I wanted to join him for a drink because he knew something was wrong with me and he was sulking in the loss for his team in the last playoff game. Adriano decided to join us as he's always up for a night out.

"Ok Bambina, I know something's up. I know why I'm depressed, but why are you? If you don't spill, we're going to get you so shit-faced you tell us everything," Gianni says in a playful tone.

"Well, I guess we should start a tab big brother," I reply with a smirk before downing the rest of my drink.


Blinking my heavy eyelids open takes a moment considering the room is spinning like an earthquake. After a few moments of deep breathing, I am able to sit up and the walls are remaining in still. Surveying the room proves fruitless as I have no fucking clue where I am and trying to remember last night proves even more pointless. Looking down I am wearing an unfamiliar pair of black sweats and hoodie that are at least two sizes too large. Once my eyes adjust to the barely lit room, I can see an I.V. attached to the back of my hand. What the fuck? Am I in a hospital?

No... this room does not belong to a hospital. Slowly standing up, I look over the I.V. bags and realize its vitamins and electrolytes. Hmm...interesting. Leaving the room quietly I make my way down the hall toward a few deep voices that sound somewhat familiar. As soon as my bare feet hit the cold marble floor the voices stop, and I see the group of men sitting on the back patio around a table having breakfast. Realization hits and suddenly my dull headache grows into a full-blown migraine, this is a real like nightmare.

"I see the young lady has decided to grace us with her presence! I hear you had a bit too much of the Black Stuff girly. Sit and eat with us," James gestures to the empty chair beside him.

"Jesus James, inside voice, please. Can I get some coffee please," I squint to adjust to the blinding brightness of the morning before I look around.

"Anything for you love. Maggie is on her way with it now," he says with a warm smile.

"So, anyone want to explain how I ended up in this nightmare? Thought the Hawkins boys would be in Belfast still," I ask before taking the steaming cup of coffee from Maggie the housekeeper with a grateful smile.

"First why don't you tell us what you remember? Then we can fill in the gaps," Dante offers.

"Well, I have no fuckin clue why I'm here, or how you're here. G, Bubs, and I we are a club last night for a drink. We decided to make a night of it and drink until we had no more feelings and then I woke up here. I remember...ordering an AMF and laughing, but that's all," I respond before drinking more coffee. Maggie always did make it perfectly.

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