Possessive brother (taekook) Pt.2

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Taehyung clenched his jaw cause he don't like when someone lies to him.

Taehyung:- are you sure you are not lying.

Jungkook:- y-yes hyungie.

Taehyung:- Okie.

Ok back to story..


Taehyung:- btw something happened in school bun.

Jungkook:- n-no h-hyung.

Taehyung nodded and jungkook continue watching TV but he was thinking to tell taehyung about this but he is too scared but he knows that if taehyung got to know this about someone else then he will be more angry.

He take some courage and said.

Jungkook:- h-hyungie.

Taehyung:- yes bun.

Jungkook:- I want to tell you something.

Taehyung:- what you wanna tell me bun.

Jungkook:- hyungie today one guy p-propose me in school-

Taehyung cut off jungkook's word.

Taehyung:- then what you said yes or no.

Jungkook:- that hyungie -

Taehyung:- yes or no.

Jungkook:- I said no hyungie.

Taehyung smile and said.

Taehyung:- good but stay away from him ok.

Jungkook:- ok.

Just then one guard come and said to taehyung.

Guard:- boss young master one of the friend is here.

Taehyung and jungkook frown.

Jungkook thought of jimin will come then he always Inform first maybe he forgot.

Taehyung:- ok let him come.

Guard bow and left from there.

Soon one boy come inside jungkook eyes widened cause he was the boy who proposed jungkook.

____?:- hello kookie my baby.

The boy say and about to kiss jungkook but taehyung held his collar and said.

Taehyung:- who the fucking hell are you.

Mark:- I am his boyfriend.

Taehyung look towards jungkook asking who is he.

Jungkook:- hyung this is the guy who proposed me today.

Taehyung clinch his jaw and said.

Taehyung:- he said you no then why are you here.

Mark:- cause he don't say anything instead of him his shorty friend reply me and I surely know that jungkook loves me.

Taehyung glare at jungkook.

Taehyung:- but I am saying no.

Mark:- who are you to say no.

Taehyung:- I am his brother I have full rights on him now get out.

Taehyung leave his collar harshly.

Taehyung:- and one more thing if I ever see you touching my bun then no one will be worst then me now leave.

Taehyung said in stern tone.

Mark got scared but didn't move from his place.

Mark:- kookie say that you love me.

Taehyung was about to say something but mark quickly run towards jungkook and held jungkook's chin tightly and was going to kiss him jungkook started wiggling from his grip.

Taehyung part away mark from jungkook and push him who fall in ground taehyung see towards jungkook who have tears in his eyes taehyung become so angry and started punching mark.

Mark:- I am s-s-sorry l-leave m-me.

Taehyung tell guards to take mark to basement.

Soon guards take mark and taehyung quickly hug jungkook and pick him like a koala and go upstairs and enter in his room and sit on the bed with jungkook on his lap who was crying.

Taehyung:- shh my bunny shh hyungie is here shh bunny shh.

Jungkook:- h-h-hyun-gie I am sorry.

Taehyung:- no need to say sorry bun it's not your fault shh calm down calm down by Bunny bun.

Soon after so many sweet nothings jungkook calm down and was listening to his hyungie's heartbeat.

And taehyung was ruffling jungkook's hair.

Jungkook:- h-hyungie I will always listen to you and will never lie to you sorry hyungie.

Taehyung:- it's ok my bunny hyungie forgive you my love and sleep for sometimes Okie.

Jungkook:- Okie hyungie bunny lovessss you.

Taehyung:- hyungie also loveeeeeeee his Bunny kookie.

Both chuckle and jungkook sleep on taehyung's embrace.



Ok that's it for today.
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Take care.
Bye bye 😊.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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