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We can see a boy with long silver hair and golden eyes sitting in a chair and doing paper work (10 meter tall).His name Rimuru Tempest king of Jura Tempest Federation

Rimuru P.O.V

AHHHH I think my head is going to explode as I thought.then my beloved Manas Said

(Ciel: master you have to complete this paper before Mrs shuna came)

Me:but ciel it is so boring can't you help me with this.

(Ciel:no master it is your responsibility as a king and a god).she said

Me: okay. As I said I start doing paper work

After 4 hours

Me:ah at last I have completed my paper work. As I said a woman with long pink hair and two white horn on her forehead came in an she is shuna

Shuna: Rimuru-sama did you complete your paper work. She said with a smile and bring some tea and cake 🍰 and she leave my office

(Ciel: master I have detected a summoning ritual).as ciel said I try to escape but and was suck into a white portal

Another world

When I open my eyes I saw a large beautiful lake and a mountain

When I open my eyes I saw a large beautiful lake and a mountain

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(Same as this)

Then I heard a sound an look at my back side an saw a girl

She has long silver hair and blue eyesAnd   sarrounded by white flower and a large old castle on her back

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She has long silver hair and blue eyes
And   sarrounded by white flower and a large old castle on her back

Me mind:ciel were are we and why I feel something is down there. As I said ciel

(Ciel: master according to my calculations we are in another world and about that you have been turned into male). She said we are in another world and also I'm a male that means I got my son back.

Me mind: and ciel who is she . I said

(Ciel: analysing......... master she is an half dragon and half human girl). Hmmmm....so she is an half bread as I thought the strange girl said

Girl: welcome dana-sama.did she just called me her husband as I started to think I suddenly blankout


Rimuru summon in unknown world Where stories live. Discover now