day 1 of week 1

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Nelo's pov
I sigh I hate school but I get ready it was supposed to storm today I hate storms it turns your power off... Ring ring my bus timer I run to get my shoes on and I grab my back pack I wait thinking I forgot something but it never comes up in my mind.

5 mins later

The bus comes and I get on there is no open seat I get pulled into a seat be for I could even take my 2st step my ass sits on there member Mhmm the moan I quickly get off I try to put my hood over my head no hood fuck I thought I turned on the edge of crying they touch my shoulder strong enough to turn me around still in the seat.

I'm so so s- be for I can finish my sentence my eyes goes wide I Accidentally sit on my bully's lap my face turned red I bury my head in my lap if we wasn't in this bus you will get it oh wait after school meet me at the school doors he laughs deeply.

By the time he stop threatens me the bus stop he gets out first and all the other kids I get out last and to my surprise he was waiting for me hmm lets go to my locker since you are little enough to fit we walk down the hallway we finally gets to his locker.

I stutter a bit d-do i-i-i haft t-to yes little boy he lifts me up and puts me in the largest locker hmm how long lets see 1 period 2 3!3ed is your pe period so 2 will work no no no please don't I'm  beging you nope he says then he closes the door.

I try to find my phone but it is in my locker which is outside I close my eyes and I fall asleep because the next thing I see is light and a coat over me hmm I opened my eyes to my surprise I have a heavy coat over me it keeps me warm still scared I shiver but not in coldness in panic I start to cry sobing.

30 min later the door openes it's Alak thank god I fall out I collapse into his arms wh- he sees my red eyes had you been crying i back up n-no it's just I'm a- you are scared of the dark he says laughing no I just hate it says unsure I get my bag and leave

at pe/gym

I go into the changeing room still a lot of guys in it I wait alek walked in as I take off my pants and he sees all the cutting marks I cover them up with my gym short you seen and heard nothing hopefully he'll listen to me he just walkes up to me and kisses me
And walkes away I get done and walkes out.

After school at the gates.

I see him Alek I walk over to him get in he says pointing to the 10mil car I get in 10 min later we get there.

⚠️Smut warning⚠

We get out and he grabs my arm
And takes me into his bed room and pushes me onto all fours he takes off his pants and get in front of me suck he says n-SUCK he scream I put tip on my lips I open my mouth and start to put his dick in my mouth mhh yes he moans I start to Bob my head up and down fuckkkkkk omg he yelles.

I started to go faster and faster he pulles out and pulles out something it says lube what's that I ask you'll see baby he says he puts it over his dick since you like to sit on my lap get on it I hesitate now I use one of my hands to guide his dick to my hole I let the tip sit before my hands give out and I Collapse on his dick ahhhhhhhmmmn I scream I lift up but he just pulles me down it hurts I say tears forming in my eyes.

Stay he says no it hurts I say
I pull up fast but his hips followes lifting up with my ass I pull his hips down I didn't say yes I scream at him he looks at me with anger at me NOW YOU FUCKING SLUT he screames n-no I stutter he rolles his eyes may I fine I say he pulles me down hard

Ahhm I hold in my moan as he hit my prostate he tells me to go up and down I do it.

Babe I'm homeeeee under the bed I go under the bed it's not that dark but dark heather comes up stairs baby what where you doing just watching my phone your back early oh yea my "friend" had something to do

Can I borrow money my dad can't pay the bill please fine hear he gave her 500 bucks bye babe bye when she left I came out what is this I pulled out a (pink but plug) pink thing oh you- let me show you uhm oh ok? He says confused.

all four he says and he got on all fours he get the romote from the side table he pulles his pants down he puts the butt plug in his hole is that all he says. No babe he laughs he turns on vibrating to low ahhm he moans this is your.

Punishment for makeing me ask and getting up when I said no he turned it on high ahhhhhhhmmm p-p-please s-sT-oP
I'm s-so-rry I'm sorr-sorryy daddy I moan out that's it he turned it down my body starts to Shake you going to cum babe I nod words he put his thumb on the tip of my hole y-y-ea fine he took his thumb off and he came then they cuddled.

They got dress and Alek dropped nelo off at his house he kissed him and left.

Nelo plopped on his bed and went to sleep.

Hey I hope u guys like this story bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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