17. Past

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Before starting this ch I would like to clear something, writing written in italic is the past :)

No one's pov

Hobi sighed and hugged yoongi tighter as he remembered his past the past he wanted to forget and never talk about it but yoongi is his boyfriend he has the right to know about everything. He never thought they will start this convert like this.

"You will listen to me right hyung?"

"Of course I will"


"So hobi are you gonna come"

"I don't want to!"

"Don't be so silly hoseok you know you have to come with me"

"But hyung I don't like that place it's disgusting"

"Shut up! And follow me"

The 19 year old hoseok's life had become a hell since he started dating hwan a few months before. He made him do everything, the things he never thought of doing. Dancing in a strip club, giving private sessions to people. hoseok felt disgusted but he was helpless there was nothing he could do if one thing goes wrong hwan used to beat him like he was a useless thing, a non-living thing who had no feelings. Everytime he tried to run away he was back at the place he wanted to escape badly.

But one day...

"Where is hoseok?!"

Hwan asked the bartender who just gave a shrug as a response.

"Damnit! I should've been with him"


Uhh umm look who's here.

I am sorry for the late update and a short ch, next ch will be long and interesting Ig 😬.

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