Chapter 4

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21 years old

Hope you are ready for what's about to come
Ready for the demons that lurks
This is going to be bloody and dirty
Prepare yourself
So you don't get hurt.

Many times people say things they don't mean but they still say them because they are angry or hurt and those words remain with the other person, haunting them, hidden in the depth of their minds, the thoughts that keep them awake in the darkest hours. I have heard many of them and I won't say they don't affect me because they do. They are the reason I am here today with this fucking idea in my mind that I know some will think it's crazy but I know it's important and the correct choice for our empire and to restore our position at the syndicate.

Valorous Syndicate. It is an union of different powers of Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Detroit and New Orlean. Basically Sicilian, Camorra, Irish, Polish and Corsican mafias are it's members. It is a kind of peace treaty which keeps almost all powers in check and manages wars don't break. Here every representative need to have a partner that's the rule. A family man then only he is qualified and that's how they work. Five seats, five powers working together. The position in the syndicate is almost equal for all. I said almost because one representative gets some extra powers after holding the competition in which they prove their worth to be the representative and President of the syndicate. It requires team work.

But if you ask me I would tell you it's a twisted game for every crazy motherfucker present in that room to prove their insanity and devise their cunning plans to feed their egos.

Right now I am going to Orazio's office after the little encounter with his daughter, Beatrice. I never noticed her like that before. But She from our previous interactionand general observationshe seems quite smart and the perfect candidate. 

I never thought about this before. For me it was always Flavia since the day she walked into my life. But after the funeral I made my mind, I  needed a partner and from the little speech Beatrice gave me it seems like she is the correct choice.

"Where were you?" My dad asks me as I enter the office. Everybody is present here. My dad, Orazio, Rico, Carmen and Matteo.

"Just went to attend some call" I am a grown ass adult, almost on the verge of becoming the capo and still I have to answer him.

Just few more months.

"So why are we here today?" Orazio asks. Nobody would dare to say that to the Vincenzo Lombardi. But he is his best friend and a loyal soldier. Actually I respect him a lot. He keeps his violence away from his home unlike my dad. My dad gives me a knowing look to speak what we have discussed earlier.

"We know that the games are going to be held in within two years and we need representatives which is apparently me and I need a wife. And we have found someone perfect for it"

"But are you sure about it after Flavia? Because in that you need a companionship. A partner whom you can trust" Orazio said. It's the same thing dad said and I hate that they are right. But why do they have to take her name.

"Yes. I am sure. The girl I have decided is someone I know and can try to make it work with. And it's not like we have any other choice"

"Who is she?" Rico asked.


If shocked Orazio and Rico both masked up their reactions perfectly. If I didn't see the fists rolling and the slight jaw tick I would have guessed they were just neutral. I know she means a lot to them but I need to do what is right for my future.

"Why her?" Orazio questioned like it was any other information he needed for the meeting. Keeping his cool.

"She seems like a right choice. Loyal for the cause, your daughter so there is no need for background checks." But I did it anyway. After my last mistake it seems necessary.

"We already know her history and she is adapted to this life and knows about its condition"

"Are you sure?" Orazio turned to face dad.

He nodded giving his confirmation.

"So when do we tell her?"

"On her birthday and wedding will be held on the day as it was planned" The same day I was going to marry Flavia.


Nobody questioned it. Sure they wanted to know about the reasons why I chose her which they have got partially. And I respect them for that because it's their daughter and sister which we are talking about. But to be honest they would never have denied it. It was just for their satisfaction that their questions were answered but they would have never go against their capo and they very well know their limits when to stop.

Everybody left the room. I knew Rico wanted to talk to me so I waited for everyone else to go. He came to me and said " I know whatever you are thinking is good for us but can you at least treat my sister rightly?"

"I will" There was no doubt in that. I treat woman with respect.

"Thanks man" 

He had every right to ask for this and as his best friend I would try to do my best. I will treat her right the way she deserves but I don't know about love. I did that mistake once and is regretting it till this date.

"Marco called. They found the traitor. Want to have some fun?"  He said with a twisted grin.

"Just what I needed"


The motherfucker was tied with ropes and was covered with his sweat, blood and well his pee. He tried to fight back but didn't stand a chance after loosing his 4 fingers, three from left and one from right and 2 teeth, some carving on his chest, he finally told the location of the money he had stolen from our club. Bastard really thought he could get away with that. No one fucks with us. This job was basically completed by our Enforcer Marco but today I needed some blood to relax me. It was like a hunger inside me that demands for it. Something insatiable that sometimes gives me peace in these people's screams and blood. Don't get me wrong we only treat people this way who goes against us. I had to suppress this side of me when I was with her but not anymore. It's part of my nature and I will embrace it like a motherfucking animal.

"Please, I told you everything. Can't you just leave me? I will leave this city or country itself. Please."

See I occasionally enjoy these pleas but right now he is pissing me off.

I take my blade in one hand and graze his forehead and then cheeks with it.

"You know how it is, Russ. You betray us, you die"

"Please" he starts wailing like a  child. 
"Take out your tongue"

He completely shuts his mouth.
"Psshh. I thought you learned your lesson"

I open his mouth, take his tongue out and chop it off. Nothing better than getting my hands dirty with blood. He starts to make a gurgling sound and at that moment, I slit his throat. All protest die then and there.


At least I could have enjoyed the smell of blood if he didn't piss but whatever. I clean my hands with his shirt and then leave the warehouse which is situated at the most isolated place in the city, no one comes here even cops avoid this route. Two of our men are already waiting outside to clean up the mess. Rico left earlier after we got all the required answer, he knew I was restless today so he left me alone to calm myself the best way I knew. Well their is sex and riding. But after coming from the dinner, I am not in the mood of that and I didn't bring my bike today. I go to my black Ashton Martin DBs superleggera which is parked outside the warehouse and directly start driving for my penthouse. It is maximum 30 minutes ride with some traffic.

It is dark in my house, no lights are on and their is no need to on them. I straight away go to my bathroom and take a shower. I feel tired but I have not been able to sleep for more than 2-3 hours since she died. Laying in my bed, I try to sleep but the images and memories keep coming back. I hate these things, the flashbacks.

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