sunday july second 4:22 am

15 0 3

poop hat

i just accidentally exposed myself on wattpad to one of my freinds im gonna end it all istg



i sewed some stuff this week teehee
they are pretty

red solo cup

im getting married to my platonic pook pook🤑🤑🤑😳😭💀💀😢🚨💔🥰🔥😞🔥🫶👈🤨😨🦅👿‼️😓😚😇😇💞😹❤️😻😒😈😱😁😋😋😄😄


i pkyaed a lot of roblox today on calls and i barley left my bed lolzies

im still on call rn

also i sang along to old gacha songs with my friends

im just stating random stuff i remember so there is no specific order


i changed the font to open dyslexic and its much bettr

also a while ago when i realized i could change this app to dark mode and i just turned it back to remember what it looked like and istg i just saw the gates of heaven i was fucking blinded dawg my poor poor eyes how tf did i survive reading wattpad at 5 am on a school night everyday?? 😭💀 that is prob why my vision is ass bruh

haha ass

speaking of ass i was being rlly sus today

i havent drank anything all day and im kinda getting thirsty

it's finally summer break yippee

its been a while since i updated any of my books
i honestly dont know if i wanna continue them because they are cringe asf

happy birfday-aghh
happy birathhday
biartgxaty farttt

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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