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Name: Onyx

Gender: female

Gem Shape: sphere

Gem Location: her right eye (it's literally her eye; she can move it, blink, all that stuff).

Weapon: black and gray war hammer.

Apperence: gray skin/ black hair in a bun/ bangs cover gem eye/ silver eyelids (looks like eyeshadow)/ four fingers on each hand (three fingers, one thumb) / black tube top/ black shorts/ see-through, gray skirt/ black, fingerless gloves/ no shoes/ taller than Pearl, shorter than Garnet.

Unique Powers: she can blacken a space so that you can't see anything/ can form creatures out of shadow and control them/ can travel through shadows (can take people with her)

Personality: she is very impish and loves to use her abilities to scare and trick others.

Room: black stone labyrinth, her 'room' is in the center/ a white mist causes those who aren't her or weren't invited in to go crazy/ anything colorful gets turned monochrome and vice versa/ shadows everywhere.

Corrupt: pitch black, humanoid form/ white circles over her eyes(think face paint)/ white smile over her mouth(again, think face paint)/ arms nearly reach the floor/ pointed fingers/ pointed toes/ white bands around her wrists and ankles.

Corrupt Powers: she can latch onto a person, gem, etc act as their shadow, and control them/ travel through shadows.

Alliance: Crystal Gems

Story: During the war she originally fought for Homeworld. When she saw gems being crushed on the battlefield she fled to Rose Quartz and joined her army. She became corrupted during the war but turned back later when Steven released her and has rejoined the Crystal Gems.

+ B. Topaz = Spinel
+ G. Zircon = Maw-sit-sit (yes, that's an actual gemstone)
+ Moonstone = White Sapphire
+ Sunstone = Rubellite
+ Dragon's Breath Opal = Star Ruby

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