Chapter 5 - Time

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( that was Peter Pov the Chapter 4 but i feel like I should be making this Chapter about Y/N)

(Inspired by the Peter Pan who visisted Wendy and took Jane)

( "Odd things happen to all of us on our way through life without our noticing for a time that they have happened."

-Peter Pan, by J.M. Barrie  )

The Lost boys were dancing as I saw Pan went into his Room and I realized was he Jealous?, as after there little dance they all went into there room expect for Felix ,As He was the Night Guard , As you got pulled  and  saw that Pirates Felix jumped into action,As Felix Took a arrow and said,Let Y/N go , As He Pointed the Arrow to then I was being Carried and the Pirates were running as Felix run after them, As Felix then he was Lost as we went to another part

As The Pirates arrived at the Beach  and you were being tied up to a Chair

They Pirates were rowing the Boat and I saw how majestic and Huge Never lang is .

As I fell asleep

*Time where Y/N was Kidnapped and Brought to Hook's Ship

I woke and found and found a Wierd areas and a Arranged Bed with alot of Maps it kinda looked like Peter 's room as I heard food steps and The Door Opened and Hook came and said,Well looks like Pan Love has woken up, I rolled my eyes while saying, What do you want Hook? , as Hook looked at his Hook and said, I want your Peter Pan to be died , I looked at him with confusion and said, Why did you Kidnapped me when you want to kill Pan?, He looked at me and said, I kidnapped you for something , If he Love's you then Pan dies and you live , My eyes were wide as I saw Hook Leaving the a Guy came in and He introduced him self as , Mr.Turner , I also introduced  yourself, As He gave me few more questions and said,Y/n what is like living with Pan?, you didn't really know what to answer , As you just said, Living a Dream

Mr. Turner said, Wow . I questioned him and said, Does Pirates ask for Many Questions because it looks like your Giving me all of questions . As Mr.Turner/William chuckled and said, I'm sorry Miss but we need to know if we Kidnap the right person.

As you nodded and Mr.Turner left .

As you tried to look anymore to escape but you can't because your wrist/arm and Leg/ankle were tied into a Chair as you have a Mental Breakdown , Wondering if Peter will be okay, As I feel Asleep and it was Night time and you heard a Sound of a Pipe playing it was Beautiful 

Mr.Turner walked in the door and Gave you your Dinner and Untied your Hands as you looked there alot of Bruise, as you ate and Mr.Turner said, I'm sorry Miss, As you looked at him and you saw that he was looking at your Bruise arm, You smiled and said, It's Okay you have nothing to do with it, As he looked away and I went back in eating , Mr.Turner took my plate when I'm Finished and He Tied me Back, As Hook walked in and Said,Time for the Question Peter pan love,as i rolled my eyes and said, He doesn't Love me,

Hook looked at me and said, Ofcourse he does , As Hooked Grin and I Looked away and Said, Do hear a Pipe/Panpipe?, Hook looked at me and said , Yes, I looked at him back and said, So your also unloved ?, As Hook looked Away and sighed and said, Yes

We questions our selves,As i know that Hook had once a love life , Her name was Cora and Hook saw that she was most beautiful girl in the world ,As They got married but eventually she passed away due to Rumplestilskin

Peter Pan had Met when be was still a Part of the Royal Navy

Killian James,or should we say Captain Hook , He was Part of the Royal Navy and They were trying find The Dreamshade as it can say it heals all illness,As They were walking with his Brother who were also part of the Royal Navy as They found and the Dreamshade, As His Brother cutted his Wrist and he died as Pan said, I warned you, Hook looked at Pan and said,Help me please,As Pan showed a Water and Hook Dragging his Brother,Pan said,There a Deal, As Hook said, I will do Anything, As Hook saved his brother and which he also died after 8 years .

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