I'm glad to see you again you can't imagine what i want to do to you..

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"Y/n!!! I'm glad to see you made it! " he said before hugging me tightly " seems like someone's excited to see me." I said hugging back " I'm more excited then you can imagine but in different ways  that you can't even imagine~" he said whispering in my ear his warm breath going down my neck " i- shouldn't we be heading back to you're place? " I said gulping " oh right! We should be but first was my driver nice to you? If he wasn't I'll-" I cut him off by kissing his cheek" he was very nice just like his boss" he blushed as I said that and led me to the Limousine and we got in  after he opened the door for me he sat by me and put his hands on my thigh noticing I was nervous " doll look at me. " I  look at him" I promise no harm will come to you ok? I'll protect you from anything I need to " he made me calm down and feel like I'm melting like a vampire that hit sun light I didn't know a man could do such a thing to someone like me let alone like me-" thank you I just tend to get nervous around good looking people  yk-" I say winking at him" is that so?  Because I do to but the only difference is I have them right in front of me and I'm not afraid to make a move long as they give me the word "   he says smirking as we get closer to his house " let me see what you got" he pulls me closer by my waist as I say that  " y/n you don't know how long I've wanted you.. " he says before pulling me into the most passionate kiss ever and he starts letting his hands explore my body and I kiss back not  resisting a bit I enjoy every moment of it and all of a sudden he stops " we're home.. honey  I'm so sorry i-i didn't want that to happen so soon I just-" I cut him off and kiss him really quick" it's fine daddy you did nothing wrong you wanted something and got it there's nothing wrong with that. " I say  as he blushes" but I almost lost control aren't I only supposed to be you're sugar daddy? "  he says tilting his head down as I lift his chin with my hand  " look ik you have doubts but I'm yours so you can do whatever I'm fine with it. " he kiss me lightly and brings me in his beautiful home " is this place a  museum? " I said  sarcastically but seriously this place was huge-  he chuckled and looked at me " no but I love art and btw quick warning there's secret rooms in here- so if you ever come across one please don't go in it-" he said embarrassed " and if I do? " I say looking at him as he lifts my chin and gets closer to my ear and whispers" you'll be like a painting because they are on a wall and soon you'll be to or I could have you like a vase because  they are on a stand and all I have to do to get you like that is bend you over on a stand and  then you'll be my vase and I'll fill you with my water~" this man is something else " i-  now is that you telling me to go into a secret room? " he smirks " bold aren't you? I mean if you want a punishment then I'll give you  one if you're bad I mean I am you're daddy after all~"  he say " excuse me sir" his butler  interrupting our moment " oh! Hey Alex how may I help you? " he said trying not to  make it   obvious we were having a moment a few minutes ago " dinner is ready. " I look at him" alright ty for informing me" he says smiling " no problem  it's my job sir. " alexs his butler  said is everyone just hot or am I ugly- as I was thinking Gabriel woke me out of  my thoughts " to answer you're question yes sweetie everyone is hot and you are to" he winked while saying that " how did you know what I was thinking like you got spiderman  senses or something? " he giggled when I said this " no I just know everything even you're thoughts I can read you like a book. " as he said that he wrapped his big vainy strong hands around my waist as he walked me to the  balcony where I smelled a very sweet smell with rose petals leading us to the balcony " woah.. You didn't have to do all this.. " he looked at me laughed and kissed me quickly so I couldn't kiss back " baby I'll do more than this as I said earlier I'll spoil you  and there's more coming after this. " he said as me and he  glisten in the sunlight as we walked towards the table,  while the sun was sitting down while big wine bottles  sit in ice with my favorite meal sitting in front of me I remember I told him that years ago I'm surprised he still remember " omg it's ( f/c) I can't believe you remember it, this was my favorite food! " I said as I looked at him " I remember everything you said because after that we didn't see each other again.. Bc of college and university and other things.. " he said looking down " well I'm grateful you have good memory and also why does everyone think that a sugar daddy has to be an old man-? " he chuckles " I mean if the shoe fits wear it ig-" we both started laughing before he pull my chair back for me to sit down on" thank again! " I said excited and kicking my feet like a little kid when they get ice cream or there favorite snack " np cutie pie" he said with a smile 

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