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"Okay, just on the bed frame," y/n said. It was a few days later and Georgie was over at y/n's house helping her build her new bed.

Her parents were out and Georgie had carried her mattress from her new car, she bought last week.

Y/n had told her parents she was seeing someone since she had been out a lot but hadn't told them much about Georgie.

"There you go," Georgie said and pushed the mattress on the bed frame.

"How can I ever thank you?" Y/n chuckled sarcastically.

"Let's see...we are in the bedroom." He smiled and stepped towards her.

"So, what, like take a nap?" Y/n asked, pretending to be confused as she looked at her unmade mattress that didn't even have a sheet on it.

"Maybe after." Georgie chuckled.

"Deal," y/n shrugged and kissed him quickly, Georgie kissed back and his arms went around her waist.


"The bed wasn't even made," y/n was saying later in Georgie's car as he brought up they did it in her bed instead of his.

"Still counts," he said making y/n laugh.

"You're the best girl I've been with." Georgie said giving her his normal mischievous smile.

Y/n raised her eyebrow, smiling. "Nice to know I'm the best out of, what? A lot."

"I wouldn't say that, but I'll tell you if you're still number one in a few weeks." Georgie said a little too casually.

Y/n's smile fell off her face and she got a confused look. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well," Georgie suddenly got nervous. "Well there is other girls I might want to see."

"Okay..." y/n said unsurely. "So this is your way of telling me you wanna be non-exclusive?"

"Not non-exclusive per say." Georgie said quickly. "Just so I can see other girls as well as you."

"So, non-exclusive?" Y/n asked as they came to a stop at a red light.

Georgie choked on his words.

"Okay, well this is over," y/n said as she took off her seatbelt.

"Y/n, wait." Georgie tried to stop her.

"Drop dead," y/n said getting out of the car at the light right before it turned green so Georgie had no chance of getting out and following her.


Y/n laid on her bed that night, a little upset but she just saw it was a sign she probably had to focus on herself and settle in Medford more before being in a relationship. Not even a relationship, they never put a label on it.

But she did feel used.

Sure her and Georgie had fun but it was just a summer fling that had ran its course and it was time for her to get back into reality and focus on her senior year and her dancing.

Y/n decided to put on her dancing shoes and practise, but she wasn't doing that well.

She felt a bit sick and fatigued. Her stomach was playing up a bit, but she just shook it off from tiredness.


Georgie sat at the dinner table that night with his family, sulking and looking down at his plate.

"Bless us lord for the food we are about to receive and bless the hands that prepared it. Amen." Mary said grace before they started eating.

"You can tell your friend Dale, that I want my stuff back." Connie said to George SR from across the table.

After her recent break up with Dale, George and him and become buddies.

"I'm not getting in the middle of this." George shook his head.

"I left my purple bra over at his place." Connie continued.

"I want a purple bra," Missy said to her mother.

"Oh, Lord." Mary shook her head, scoffing.

"And if I'm gonna start dating again. I need my purple bra." Connie went on.

"Somebody else needs to talk." George SR said looking around the table.

"Did you that Leonard Nimoy takes pictures of..." Sheldon started but was cut off by his father.

"Georgie?" He said.

"What?" Georgie said miserably, not looking at him.

"Surprised you're here, figured you'd be out with your little girlfriend." George SR continued.

"Well, I'm not." Georgie said. "She dumped me."

"The pretty Australian dancer?" Connie gasped. "I liked her."

"So did I." Georgie said quietly.

"I can relate a young lady bought chaos into my life as well today," Sheldon said. "Paige was mad I have college friends and she doesn't."

"Sheldon has friends and you're drunk." George said to Mary, "What a crazy ass dinner."


Nearly a week later, y/n sat on the edge of her bed staring down at the small object in her hand like she had been for about 10 minutes now.

"Oh, my god." She said through her breath as a few silent tears streaked down her face.

"I'm pregnant," she said, looking down at the test that read pregnant.

"I'm pregnant," she said, looking down at the test that read pregnant

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