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Time moved slowly for y/n after that day. She hadn't told a soul. She didn't know what to do.

She didn't see Georgie anymore, they weren't ever officially together for gods sake.

And she was only seventeen! About to start her senior year of highschool. There's no way she can go to school whilst pregnant let alone when she has the baby.

Y/n knew she wanted to keep the baby. Although she supported people having abortions and putting baby's up for adoption, she just didn't want to do that. No matter how young she was and unprepared for a baby.

She didn't know how her parents would react, she knew they would be livid. They would kick her out probably. But at least y/n had access to her college fund.

Maybe she should go see Georgie and tell him? Even though they weren't together he obviously needs to know.

Y/n decided she will tell him and say she was having it and he can be as involved as he wants. She wasn't going to ask him for anything at all and if he never wanted to see her again she would just have to accept it.

It had been about 2 weeks since she took the test. She took It after missing her period and feeling sick and vomiting.

Y/n decided to go for a walk along her street, to think and figure out how to tell Georgie and then her parents.

She got dressed and was exited her room, her thoughts still overwhelming her.

"Hey, y/n/n."

Her fathers voice made y/n jump.

"Yes?" She said quickly.

"Do you mind returning this video?" Keith asked and handed it to her. Y/n took it.

"Yeah, whatever." Y/n shrugged, desperate to get out of the house. "Where's the store?"

"Not far, next to that laundromat you always go too." Keith said and then walked into the kitchen.

Shit, y/n thought. She remembered seeing a video store next to the laundromat. Hopefully she can return the video without seeing Georgie.

She had to return it, there was no excuse to tell her father.

Sorry, dad. I cant return the video because the guy who works at the laundromat next door to it got me pregnant and I'm scared I'm going to run into him.

Y/n walked to the video store and was sure to keep away from the side of the laundromat so she couldn't  be seen by Georgie through the windows.

The video store only had two other customers when she walked in and she headed straight for the counter.

"Hi, just returning this one." Y/n said and put the video on the register and the worker scanned it.

"That's all paid for, cheers." He said.

"Thanks," y/n said and turned around only to be faced with the one person she didn't want to see right now.

"Hi," Georgie said as y/n's hands flew in front of her stomach to cover the non-existent bump she had.

She wasn't showing yet but she did have a bit of bloating on her stomach and breasts.

"Hey," y/n said anxiously, not knowing what to say. Should she tell him now? Or ask to meet him later in private? So no one else heard.

"Can we talk?" Georgie asked, looking hopeful.

"Yeah, we need too." Y/n said and Georgie's face brightened. "Can I come over to yours? Tonight?"

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now